A little something 2 think about | Teen Ink

A little something 2 think about

October 27, 2010
By UbEr_BorEd_GuY BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
UbEr_BorEd_GuY BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fail!<br /> Thats what she said<br /> Wtf!!???!??!?!<br /> Dude seriously<br /> idk<br /> aint dat sum..............

If there is a real super-man,then how come he doesnt save me?
If theres a real super-woman,then how come she doesnt date me?
if there is a real spider-man,then how come when i get bit by a spider,i just get a bite mark and venom?
If there is no such thing as aliens,then how come we call immagrants aliens?
Think about it

The author's comments:
Nothing ispired me for this,it was just contributed from brain matter........

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