2028: The World War lll | Teen Ink

2028: The World War lll

April 16, 2013
By CannotFathomMe BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
CannotFathomMe BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Russia, China, The United States, Japan, and even Germany are now at war. Battles bloodier than any in history, families torn apart in fear, a world crushed by the fear of one man; this has been deemed World War 3.

The United States had gained a dictator, one that was thirsty for power and angry at the world. This caused war in the states itself. With living in such inhabitable territory that gave up its bill of rights and everything it believed in, people began retaliating against the president, which included hundreds, maybe even thousands, of attempted assassinations; all failing in the process and most ending in the assassinators death. People began leaving the states, the lucky ones anyway. Even if one managed to escape, where would they go? Every country was practically at war.

There was no safe haven for one to go to. There were shelters where people could sleep hidden from watchful eye of the dictator; but not even that would promise safety or even peace to self. One was constantly aware of the dictator’s power. His name repeated over loudspeakers at certain periods of the day, people forced to worship him like a God; a false idol, one that would kill you just for breathing wrong.

How this dictator came into power, no one knows exactly. He was vice president to a great man who promised change; promised the states would be free under God and love and peace and happiness will be ensue in the near future. Then one night he was killed. A suicide note was in his left hand and a bottle of Alpha was in his right. The first lady stated that she didn’t hear him leave the bed last night when questioned about the night of her husband's suicide. No one saw him do it, no one heard him. That’s when the vice president stepped in to fill the former one’s shoes. He was a tall man, dressed nice and wore hundred dollar suits, has been through law school numerous times, graduated top of his class every time. He had brown-slicked back hair and golden eyes that charmed others.

However, something didn’t seem right when looking at this man. He gave off a look, that if observed closely would make you feel uncomfortable. After becoming president he took away the rights of everyone besides the men he worked with. He cut down almost every forest in the states and built new prisons and factories. Cars were taken away and buses were the only transport. He became know as the “Red Eye” the one that sees all and hears all. The militia grew and became the most dominant thing in the US, and almost every male in the US was forced to become a part of it, starting at the age of 6. Public schools were demolished and children now all went to boarding schools; mothers and fathers never got to see much of their children. The president believed he was preparing the children for a future of hard work and discipline. And discipline was right; No student ever got out of line and if they were they were beat senseless with whatever the Watchful Eyes had on them.

Watchful Eyes were people hired by the President. These people were commanded to watch everyone yet give them what they need. They gave people money to buy food and water and keep themselves stalked with the proper resources. No one is homeless thanks to the Watchful Eyes of the government. People were all given homes; apartments were created 20 stories high to fit people who needed it, and everyone was okay with this because people were getting food, and a place to sleep for the night. Factories had worked overtime and abused resources so much to make these homes, that they couldn’t produce anymore, and the states began stealing from other countries by force, sometimes at threatening gunpoint, rather threat of nuclear explosion and wiping out the existence of all who rejects. Fear was prominent.

At this point, the entire world was in fear of one man who was given too much power. He had taken control of three different countries, one of them being Mexico, which was turned into a giant slave state where resources were abused. Germany was sick of the actions made by the man in power, and threatened of a war on territory unless things changed. This was seen as nothing more than something to shrug off. That’s when the first war began.

Russia, Japan, and China, also grew sick of being stolen from and threatened, and declared a war. World War 3 took over and almost every country was in war with each other; there were no sides, good or bad, evil or pure. It was every man for him.

The war went on for another 12 years wiping out 1.8 billion people.

On the last day of war there was a black thick sky created from all the billions of factories and lack of trees. There was a screeching noise that sailed across the world.

And then, I heard a boom.

The author's comments:
I'm really interested in apocalyptic stories so I wrote what kinda is a prologue to something I'm writing.

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