Long Adventure Being a Slave | Teen Ink

Long Adventure Being a Slave

April 25, 2014
By ChrisL BRONZE, Wasshington, District Of Columbia
ChrisL BRONZE, Wasshington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Diary,
I feel beaten up to death,I want to change that.I feel so heart inside i feel like I am not going to survive.I wish someone would help me now.I am going to try to escape I am bursting out tears while I run.I feel so hurt that I am not hungry.Soon i heat a stop breathing out loudly then I heard a guard coming so I had to sneak in to the bushes and suddenly I STOP bursting out tears so the guards don't hear me.

I haven't seen my parents in a long time because I got captured.Finally the guards left the,then it got to me a plan to escape.So my thoughts were to sleep in the bushes where no one checks then get up while all the guards are a sleep.Soon as I woke up I checked to see if any guards were their.No they was not there so i started running I ran for hours breathing loudly again so I stop and found food so I ate.And I was almost there out of town.I just need 10 more steps to take but then I seen 3 guards so I ran the other way to the bushes and then I said I need 12 more steps.

Finally the cost was clear so I ran and ran and ran and ran then finally I needed 1 more step to take.And then I took the step.Guess what I was finally free so I started to shatter tears every where.I said to my self yes I am finally free.Then I seen everyone looking at me they was like where you in that mean mistreated place I said yes but I escaped.Then I glanced across the street and I seen my family.It was my mom my dad my brother and my sisters.They were excited to see me and I was excited to see them.

So they told me they love me,and asked me how did I escape.I said all it took was some thinking.So they was like wow.So they took me to a buffet called no slave day ever.So we all ate food.And i said thank you they said any time.So we went back home and we said what a wonderful day.So we all lived happy ever after.

The author's comments:
I was so mad when I was a slave It was a messed up life at first but I turned it around

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