The Thing | Teen Ink

The Thing

December 16, 2016
By 2018jlo BRONZE, Platte City, Missouri
2018jlo BRONZE, Platte City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Thing

It was dark night out in the woods, nothing but the wind and the sound of silence. Jacob and his friends were out camping because college was off for christmas break. Jacob had three friends by the names of Jerry who was a Jock in the swim team, Drake a clever guy who got away with everything and finally Skylor a guy who knew all about mechanics. They set up camp in a secluded area away from all the other campsites but it was at least 3 miles away from the nearest road or help centers. Drake wasn't so sure about being too far away from the other campsites but due to peer pressure from his friends he felt as though he was forced to come.

Jerry and Skylor set up the tents near an abandoned, broken down house that lied next to the mountains. The woods looked like something you would see off of a typical horror movie, dark,foggy, and filled with endless amounts of thick trees.  In the meantime Drake and Jacob were talking about how dumb and uneducated their teachers were for giving them F´s on the assignments that they worked so hard on before break. They both decided to take a walk to the woods so they could scavenge for wood or light burning materials. During the walk the wind stopped and so did all noises, nothing but the sound of a nearby tree branch fall down and crack like a firework. Jacob asked Drake the weirdest question ever. ¨Hey don't you feel like there has been something… a shadow following you this entire time because all I feel is that we have brought someone else with us to this trip?¨

¨Drake I don't know about you but I'm going to keep looking for wood so if you want to freeze be my guest.¨ Said Jacob. ¨Screw this! Something sinister is here and I don't like it.” Drake exclaimed. As Drake walked away from Jacob he kept thinking how ignorant Jacob was being, and how he could get himself killed especially at midnight. Jerry and Skylor set up their tent inside the broken down house for more protection. Knock! Knock! The door went. ¨ Do you think that could be Drake and Jacob?¨ asked Skylor. ¨What? At this time of night yeah right I bet you there outside trying to mess with us or most likely they are starting a fire.¨ Jerry said sarcastically. ¨But where's the fire?¨ asked Skylor. ¨Oh S***.¨ Jerry said slowly. Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! The knocks got louder. Skylor went up to answer the door to only find out that when he slowly opened it there was nothing to be seen except a cloaked figure off in the distance with a chained hook and a evil witted smile and yellow eyes.¨ 

Skylor immediately shut the door with fear and sweat across his face. ¨What?¨ Jerry said confused. Skylor ran up the stairs hid in the corner and pulled out his little pocket knife. ¨You know what Skylor I think you're scared of the dark bro.¨ Jerry said mockingly. Skylor started freaking out he couldn't stop panting. As Jerry ran up the stairs the door creaked open slowly. Jerry turned around to see what caused the terrifying sound of the door. To see that nothing was there. Jerry quickly ran to the door to shut it before the cold weather would set in…..but he got pushed out of the house and shut out. Panicking Jerry tried opening the door but what he did not realize is that something was breathing on his neck. Skylor was crying hearing the sound of a body being brutally thrown against the wooden walls over..and over again...till the ear piercing screaming stopped.

The window exploded with glass in every direction as a mushed up body parts landed right in front of skylor. Brains, eyeballs and a bashed skull is all that skylor saw that was left of Jerry. Skylor was trying really hard to escape the body of his own dead best friend but before he could a little girl was in the corner behind him. The girl whispered ¨ The friendly man outside wants to say hi.¨ Skylor screamed as he got dragged to the nearby closet. Silence was all that was left.

Drake was now heading towards the camp with nothing but despair. He only felt sorry for Jacob's bad decision. As Drake kept thinking these horrible thoughts he heard a horse in the nearby distance whine. A tree like snapping noise went off and the horse stopped whining soon after followed by what sounded like wet rags falling down next to a cutting board. Drake rushed over to the nearby noise to only find a dead cut open horse with its neck turned around a whole 360 degrees! Drake covered his mouth to avoid the possibility of him screaming. Drake looked around to see if the scene was safe. Drake approached the cut opened horse to discover that skylor his friend with his neck torn apart inside of it. Puke burst out of drake's mouth because he could not believe his own eyes, his friend was inside of a horse...¨What the f***¨ Drake said with a shaking voice. The man with the hooded black cloak stood at the other of the Drake and smiled with a sadistic wide grinned smile. His yellow eyes met with Drake´s and Drake could not move because he was traumatized after what he just witnessed.

A hook flew straight into Drake's chest and out the other end. The hooded figure yanked with such great force he pulled out Drake's spine and rib cage along with his heart and lungs. Drake's collapsed on the grassy floor and stiffened. The man sent some of his henchmen to pick up Drake's body and burn it with a nearby fire. ¨The smell of burning flesh is like that of a concentration camp like those poor souls…. I have seen it all.¨ said the Cloaked figure. Jacob during the time he searched for wood he felt like he should apologize to Drake for being so selfish. He headed back to camp wondering where his friends were. The place looked so sketchy to Jacob, he automatically looked at the car noticing that the keys were still in the ignition. He darted straight for the car only to find out the tires were popped and the car was out of gas. Jacob not knowing what to do runs straight north to the nearest camps. Crack! Stomp! The noises were approaching Jacob they got closer and closer. His adrenaline was at a high peak, sweat and frustration was rushing into Jacob's body.

Jacob kept sprinting until he tripped over a fallen tree branch and fell down a steep hill. Jacob quickly recovered and hid behind a small opening underneath a tree. Slender foot steps took a hold over his head and stopped. Jacob panting slowly saw a drop right in front of him hanging, waiting to see if he would take the bait. Without thinking Jacob got up and jumped past the hook. The cloaked figure was infuriated it pointed its long bone like finger in his direction. A bunch of his henchmen ran after Jacob. Jacob was approaching the nearby camp he started yelling at the top of his lungs for help. A campground man walked out of the main cabin to find Jacob running straight for his cabin. The man yelled back waving his arms and quickly pulled out his revolver from his side belt. The man aimed his gun at the henchmen behind Jacob. Until the a spear ripped apart the campground man. Jacob tried fighting for his life he pushed off the henchmen that were stabbing and biting his own flesh. Jacob grabbed the gun off the dead man and started shooting at the henchmen as they died one by one. That didn't stop the cloaked figure it disappeared!

Jacob ran inside the cabin and locked himself in and started dialing 911. To Jacobs surprise the lines were cut and so was the power. He heard footsteps on top of the roof. ¨They seemed to be moving towards the chimney!¨ Jacob thought to himself. Jacob saw a coach near the fireplace. His first instinct was to block the fireplace until it started tearing itself apart. The hooded figure was making its way down the chimney. ¨Dear god I know I have not been truthful with you and I wish you could help me by shining a light of hope for me, to guide me through this nightmare.¨ wheeped Jacob. It all made sense to Jacob after the hooded figure relieved his cloak and realizing it wasn't actually a monster but himself. His dark reflection said to him.¨You have caused the death of your friends Jacob and for not caring for your friends safety they received their punishments, Merry Christmas Jacob.¨

The author's comments:

It is involved in horror and a little mystery.

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