Broken Time | Teen Ink

Broken Time

December 22, 2016
By ntvaroha BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
ntvaroha BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ran and ran as fast as I could.  The bright lasers streaming past me.  I was almost there.  Just a few more feet.  I jumped into the sewer tunnels via a hole in the ground.  The robots are too big to follow.  I head to headquarters and to report my encounter.  My name is Agent DAV3, but everyone calls me Dave.  Ten years ago, when the robot invasion first started, I was a cowardly young boy.  I still am cowardly, but I have been working on that.  I was recruited into the AAR (Alliance Against Robots).  I feared the danger that would come if I joined so I was hesitant.  I realized though that the only way I would survive was if I joined.  If it wasn’t for that reason, I would never have joined. 
“Dave, boss wants to see you in his office!”  Another agent yelled to me as I walked into HQ. 
I quickly ran to his office.
“Dave, I think we have found a way to stop these robots.”  He proclaimed.  “Our scientists have built a time machine that will allow the user to go back in time and stop the robots from ever being made.  I thought you would be perfect for the job.”
“Me?” I questioned. “I don’t think you have the right guy.  I’m not right for the position.”
“Sure you are.” He argued. “You’re fit, your capable, you know how to work well with technology, and everyone else here has a family that they don’t want to lose.  Since you’re the only one here without family, it would be best if you went.  Do you accept.”
“I don’t know.  It sounds like it might be really dangerous.”  I said hesitantly.  “But I guess if I am the only one qualified, I will have to do it.”
“Great!  Now let’s get you down the lab immediately!”
We walked down the many hallways towards the lab.  The hallways were so white they looked like teeth.  They seemed to go on endlessly.  We got to the lab and they put me into a futuristic looking jumpsuit.  They then asked me a lot of questions I thought they should already know.
“Agent DAV3”
“Height? Eye Color? Hair Color?”
“6’ 1”, blue, and black.”
The questions went on for what felt like forever.  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they brought me to the machine.  It was smaller than expected.  A little handheld clock that could fit in your pocket.  It almost looked like one of those old machines I read about, a “pocket watch”.  They gave it to me and explained how it works.  I press the button on the top and say how far back or forward I want to go.  I would then be sent there to complete my mission.
“Are you ready Agent?  The rest of us will all be moving into the examination room, just in case.”
“Just in case? Just in case of what!” I said very nervously.
“Don’t worry, nothing should go wrong.  You should be perfectly fine.”
I didn’t like how he used the word “should” in that sentence.  But I figured that I had nothing to lose.  I pressed the button and said, “Ten years back.”  I was encased in a bright flash of light.  It felt as if I was falling.  I opened my eyes and everything was still.  I looked around and saw mountains, grassy plains, and a nest with giant eggs.
“What smells so bad?” I asked myself, disgustingly. “It smells like rotting poop and a dumpster had a baby.”
I turned around and froze immediately.  Standing behind me was a giant beast with large teeth and small arms.  I believed I had read about one of these creatures.  A “T-Rex” is what is was called.  I slowly looked at my time machine and realized it sent me back 10 million years instead of 10 years.  I slowly backed up and then ran for my life.  As I ran I pressed the button and spoke “Go back ten years!”  I felt the sensation of falling again and when I opened my eyes, I was in a city.
I saw a piece of paper with writing on it on the ground.  I picked it up, read the date, and knew I was in the right time and the right place.  I looked in the notes I was given and found the name of the scientist I was looking for, Nicholas T.  I went around asking people if they knew who he was.  They all looked at me like I was crazy.  I don’t see why, I’m a grown man in a jumpsuit saying he is from the future looking for some random scientist.
“Hey, buddy.”  A man in a blue suit said to me.  “Are you okay?”
I told him my predicament and he said, “Oh, sure.  Here, I’ll take you to him in my car.”  I thanked him as I got into the back of his black and white car.  We were driving when I noticed we passed a building called the “Nicholas T. Robotic Research Building.”  I asked the man why he drove passed it and he said that he was arresting me for being crazy.  I acted on instincts and jumped out of the car. 
“Stop!” he screeched as he started shooting small metal shots at me.
I ran as quickly as I could into the building and barricaded the door.  I ran into the large lab and asked the people where Nicholas T, was.  They pointed me to his private lab and I finally arrived.
“No, I told you a hundred times to not barge in-.  Who are you?”  He asked me. 
“I am from the future, the robot that you are making is going to start a robot revolution that will end in the end of all humanity!”
He stared at me and said “Sir, did you forget to take your pills this morning?”
That was it.  I was fed up.  Nothing had gone right on this mission.  First the dinosaur, then the man arresting me, and now this guy isn’t believing me.  I was done.  I grabbed his robot.
“Hey stop that you psycho!” He yelled.
I took a machine that looked like a laser and turned it on.  I cut through until I got the center where the power source was.  It was a small box, only one in existence.  But one is all that was needed.  If you had the one, you could power all machines in the world.  I ripped it out, threw it on the floor, and crushed it.
“NO!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. “How could you have done this!”
“Don’t worry.  You may not know now, but I just saved the world.”
All of a sudden, my vision went black.  I thought I passed out but I looked down and saw my body.  The heavy darkness pulled at me with its invisible arms.  I was alone, and clueless.
“How did this happen?”  A voice said from behind me.
I turned around and saw Nichols T. standing there.
I walked over to him to him to ask him what happened.
“You! You did this! But how?  And who are you?”
I told him of who I was and my mission.  He listened intently until I was done.
“I know what happened.  When you stopped my robot from ever being built, that means it was not around in the future.  If it wasn’t around in the future, then the time machine would not have been built and you would not have gone back in time to stop the robot.  Since you would not have gone back, the robot would have been made.  But If it was made, you would have gone back.  Right now time is in an infinite loop of contradicting itself.  This is what we call, a time paradox.
“Ok, I think I understand.” I said confused. “So, how do we fix it?”
With a sad expression he answered, “That is the problem.  I don’t think we can.  I think you broke time.”

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