The Leap Year Door | Teen Ink

The Leap Year Door

December 12, 2013
By lilsam98 SILVER, Hemet, California
lilsam98 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe it was a Wednesday, no wait, a Thursday, when it all happened. Let me start from the beginning. I woke up for school at 6:45 just like every other morning. I went to school, took my classes and managed to only fall asleep once during my 2nd period history class. Then the lunch bell rang. That’s when it all started. I rushed to my group’s usual table, but I couldn’t find anyone else. I decided I would look for at least one of them for about ten minutes, then if I couldn’t find any of them, I would join some of my other friends I don’t talk to much. That’s exactly what I did. When I couldn’t find any, I looked for where some of the people I talk to in class might sit. I slinked down the hallway, towards the room my friends eat in. I was about halfway there when I noticed a room I had never seen before. It looked like a bathroom, but there was a paper sign that said “OUT OF ORDER” on it in sloppy handwriting. I thought that I must have never noticed it before since I have no classes down in that part of the school and rarely go there for any reason. The rest of my day played out normally, I went to my same classes I do every day, waited for the bell to ring, and eventually went out to wait for my mom to pick me up. The herd of people flowing out of the classrooms into the crowded hallway seemed slightly more bearable than it usually is. I went home, did my homework, then sat down at my laptop and played games like every other night.

The next day came, but yet again, none of my friend were where they normally were at lunch. I decided I would join the group I sat with yesterday. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed that door I found yesterday wasn’t there. I thought that something was weird, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I decided I would join that group I’d been sitting with for the rest of the month so I could see if what was up with that door.

A whole week had past and I was starting to give up on finding it. It was a Wednesday night. The week had seemed to go by in a blur. It was also February 28th. I decided if I didn’t find that door tomorrow, I would give up. I went to my room and passed out on my bed. I didn’t even have time to change. I woke up early the next morning. I hurried to school and tried my best to stay awake in history. I found myself staring at the clock after about five minutes in each class. I checked my phone because I thought I felt it vibrate in class. I looked down at it and thought “I completely forgot it was a leap year.” Lunch finally arrived. I walked down that hallway for the last time and saw it. There was that door. “It only shows up on Thursdays,” I muttered to myself.

This time, I went inside. It was a dimly lit room, but I could distinguish a small door in the corner of the room. I opened that door to find another room. I looked behind me and now there were three doors. I looked back ahead of me and there was another door. I ventured deeper into this unknown section of the school. After repeating this process a few times, I found a book on a pedestal. I slowly picked it up and open the book. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. The pages were blank! I closed the book in disbelief and shut my eyes. Why would someone try so hard to hide this blank book? I opened the book again, but this time I was absolutely mortified. Each page had the same thing written on it. They each said, “You have until 12:30 on February 29th to escape, or you will never leave. Good luck.”

I wanted to fight the tears, but there was no one around, and there never would be. There had to be thirty doors in this room, and instinct told me that even if I managed to find the right door, the next room would be worse. I heard an evil laugh around me, but I couldn’t discern where it was coming from. I knelt down and cried. I cried and cried and cried. I was doomed. I sat there and let the laughing and the darkness surround me. Then, I woke up in 2nd period history.

The author's comments:
A story about exploring an unknown part of school going wrong.

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