The Strange Game | Teen Ink

The Strange Game

November 1, 2014
By Layna Layer BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Layna Layer BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since he was a child, Henry loved to play games. Whether they were card games or video games Henry really didn’t care, all he wanted to do was play them. Henry’s Mother rarely got to spend more than thirty minutes with him throughout the weekdays because she worked as a full time doctor. On the weekends, however she took off of work so  that she could spend more quality time with Henry. Henry’s Father died in a car crash when Henry was only two years old. Henry could only remember his dad using pictures. At, school all the kids thought of Henry as a stupid kid who never got his work done. They also made fun of him and called him names such as ‘retard’ or ‘faggot’ when he passed by them. Henry sat alone in a corner for recess and lunch during elementary school and throughout 6th and 7th grade he did the same.


It was Henry’s eighth grade year when something very strange started happening to him. Henry started to hear voices whispering to him and telling him to ‘follow the map’ that kept on appearing in his mind. Henry had to leave his house at least thirty minutes before school started to get there on time. One night Henry had a dream about his Father hugging him and then walking farther and farther away until he was swallowed by the darkness. The next night his Father was in his dream again and he seemed like he was trying to lead Henry to a hidden door behind a dumpster. When Henry woke up that morning he felt a unique feeling of being watched. On his way to school Henry saw a dumpster that looked exactly the same as the one in his dream. He pushed the dumpster aside and sure enough there was a door. The door was plated with gold and it was painted brown. Although the paint was peeling the door looked fairly new. Henry searched the door for a door knob, but there wasn't one. He tried pushing on the door, but that didn't work either. “Uhgg! I don't have tome for this” Henry groaned. Henry decided that he would explore the door after school so he turned around and started to walk away. When he was about  ten feet away Henry heard a very loud creaking noise. He turned around. The door was wide open and there was a glow coming from inside. “Okay maybe I’ll just go take a quick peek”. As henry got closer the glow started to waver. Every time Henry took a step the glow seemed to get farther and farther away from him. Henry started to grow anxious. As Henry crept through the doorway the glow disappeared and he was surrounded by blackness.

Henry continued to walk down a skinny hallway and soon he came to another door. This door was about half the size of the first one and Henry had to bend down to get in. The door led to a small square room that was lit up by the buttons of an old arcade game. As Henry walked up to the game he heard strange beeping noises and saw the screen light up. Henry looked down at his watch and saw that it was time for him to go to school. He rushed out of the two doors and put a stick in the front door to prop it open. He had never been late to school and Henry didn't want this to be his first time. Henry then pushed the dumpster back in front of the door and started to run to school.

During the whole school day Henry could not stop thinking about the game. He almost got through the whole school day without being bothered. Almost. The bell rang for sixth period and Henry dashed out of the classroom. All of a sudden Henry tripped flat on his face. When he looked up he saw three of his bullies glaring at him. “Hey nitwit!” they shouted “Get up!” Henry heaved himself up and and swung his backpack back on his back. Henry tried to run straight but, one of the bullies stopped him and grabbed his shoulder. Henry winced. Henry tried to twist the other way to force the bully to loosen his grip. Henry finally got away and luckily he could run faster than any of them. As he dashed away Henry could hear the shouts of the bullies. “Hey! Get back here!” they cried. When Henry got back home from school he was breathless. He washed his face and went to his room. He then started to do his homework. Once he was finished he went downstairs and put some frozen pizza in the oven for dinner. All of a sudden Henry felt a sudden urge to go back to the strange game. He decided to go back and checkout the game and then come back and have his dinner. He read the pizza box and it said that the pizza would be done in 25-30 minutes. Henry figured that he would have enough time to explore a little bit and then come back. Henry took his jacket and a backpack that he packed with a water bottle, some snacks, some quarters, his house keys, and his phone. Henry locked the door and started to run back to the dumpster. When he got there Henry heaved the dumpster aside and dashed through both of the doors back to the small square room with the old arcade game.

Henry inserted a quarter into the game and press end the ‘start’ button. The game immediately lit up and made a loud beeping sound that startled Henry. Henry backed up and watched the screen as it started to form a picture. As Henry stepped closer to see what the picture was of, he saw what looked like a black hole. The black hole seemed to be growing by the second and soon it filled up the entire screen. Henry felt a strong gust of wind trying to push him towards the game. He felt as if there was a magnet inside him pulling him into the game. All of a sudden Henry’s body started tingling and he was sucked into a world of blackness. When Henry woke up, his head was throbbing and he was surrounded by an unfamiliar place. It looked like a giant jungle. Henry could hear the birds chirping from the treetops and he could see monkeys swinging from tree to tree right above him. “Oh no!” Henry thought “Where am I?!”.

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