Lights Out Excerpt | Teen Ink

Lights Out Excerpt

December 14, 2016
By HellenSmith BRONZE, Houston, Texas
HellenSmith BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Donna” Hellen called, a screen on the wall lit up showing a smiley face indicating that Donna was watching.
“How can I help you Hellen?” said Donna in a monotone voice.
“Donna I need you-”The lights cut off before Hellen could finish.
The emergency flood lights kicked on filling the room with eerie light.
“Subject-639-Chell has escaped containment and cut the power my emergency battery is low I need to shut down” said Donna as her screen went dark.
“Donna Donna?!” screamed Hellen.
Hellen reached into her Gucci bag and grabbed her blackberry turning it on checking for a signal.
“No signal, of course” Hellen said dropping the phone back into the bag.
Vapidly sighing she walked out into the dimly lit offices her shoes echoing with each step. 
The tapping increased as she ran towards the exit hallway dodging desks and chairs as she ran.
“Where is all of my staff?” Hellen questioned, as she rounded a corner she saw a scientist being dragged
By his legs into a room. She stopped “I can make it if I run” she whispered to herself.
She started running bag in hand passing the room where the scientist was taken only to have something start chasing her
She screamed at the top of her lungs till she couldn’t even scream tearing her vocal cords.
She slammed into the elevator pushing the buttons as hard and fast as she could the doors closed right As the Subject reached her.

The author's comments:

Based of Hellen Simone Smith Ceo of HellenCORP

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