What Will Life Be Like 40 Years From Now? | Teen Ink

What Will Life Be Like 40 Years From Now?

January 20, 2014
By lane kohl BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
lane kohl BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever wonder what life will be like in 40 years? Most people don’t realize what could happen if our recycling doesn’t improve. Protect our planet or you else you could be living in garbage in only a decade!
Most people don’t even know what happens to the waste once it is picked up from their houses. The National Waste and Recycling Association meet your community’s needs for professional, innovative, and environmentally responsive management of waste materials. They help solve some of the world’s biggest recycling problems such as recycling millions of tons of paper, metal, plastic and other resources. They find ways of creating new sources of clean, renewable energy and building landfills for protection of natural resources and wildlife.
People don’t usually think about safety of garbage men. Car drivers are often distracted while driving and frequently crash into collection employees or vehicles, sometimes with fatal consequences. We have to protect our garbage men because without them, our system of garbage and recycling would be impossible.
There are some 120,000 garbage and recycling trucks operating in the United States. By finding new improved ways of recycling in garbage and recycling collection truck technologies, America’s waste and recycling industry offers advantages to the communities and neighborhoods that they serve. Some of the advantages are using less fuel, reducing operating costs, and being quieter than other trucks. By doing this, we can slowly increase the improvement of our recycling and waste systems.
Modern landfills have been improved, making them safer. The National Waste and Recycling Association is helping keep communities clean and maintaining public health. This is not only improving the recycling system, but it’s also improve our health and making us safer.
Make sure you’re smart with your recycling. Know what kind of products go where to make for a better, more improved future for garbage on our planet.
Through the Community Change makers program, the Environmental Industry Associations recognizes and awards companies and individuals involved in America’s waste and recycling industry who are making serious impacts in the company and their communities. Also they recognize people who keep up with recycling and protect the environment.
So if you protect our Earth and the people on it by recycling, you could even be recognized or rewarded with what you did.

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