October 11, 2015
By TheDreamGirl_Writer BRONZE, Bhubaneswar, Other
TheDreamGirl_Writer BRONZE, Bhubaneswar, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Once people are gone, even miracles can't bring them back!

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.

One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.

The surrounding of a living organism which comprises of natural forces, living and non-living species and provide the valid conditions for both development and destruction of human can be called as environment. It is the base region for interaction of living species with its surrounding nature. And in this advancing modern world, the living species rather than falling in love with its nature exploit it for its own greed, for spending a luxurious life and to fulfil its never-ending desires.

Do you think, teens, our global population is using more than what our mother nature is serving us? The way we’re living, we are using 2 to 3 times more of the Earth’s resources than what is imperishable. And if we don’t take a step forward for this problem now, then we have to make ourselves and our forthcoming generations ready for facing the dreadful consequences in future. Because, for us, a wretched, dry Earth is not an interesting and habited place to live. Mahatma Gandhi had said, “Nature serves enough for a human’s need but not for human’s greed.”

There are three common resources but the main unit for human existence on Earth which are being depleted, i.e., water, forests and air.
Can we discover any other resource which can substitute water?
The quantitative and qualitative depletion of water has become a major problem in the global context. Only 2.5% of world’s total water is fresh and portable and of that, 70% is frozen under ice. And the rest 30% is used, exploited and wasted by the 7.2 million global populations. The major consequences our fellow population can face in future for wasting the water resources are drinking water scarcity, food shortage, famines, droughts which often leads to death.

Can you imagine our beautiful nature without trees?
Forests refer to the vast regions of land covered with thick vegetation, trees and animal species dwelling in them. They are often considered as the “lungs of the Earth”.
But, our living tech-bodies have cleared half of the world’s total forest for different industrial purposes. Cutting down of trees on a large scale has a great hand in 12 to 17% of global warming and emission of harmful greenhouse gases such as CO2, CO, CH4 etc. Trees are the absorbent of these harmful gases and in return, they supply the basic unit of our life, i.e., oxygen. Forests are considered as the habitats of millions of various kinds of species. But large scale of deforestation leads to depletion of these vast kinds of species.

Combustion of coal, petroleum, wood, burning of natural gas in houses, industries and agricultural fields are the major reasons for air pollution. Welding, stone crushing, gem grinding and processing industries are the secondary reasons. Other than these factors fire crackers, air conditioners, refrigerators, pesticides, bomb explosions, nuclear explosions also contribute in air pollutions. No doubt air is even polluted even by natural calamities like volcanoes, cyclones, forest fires etc. But the anthropogenic activities are more responsible for the pollution of air. Emission of gases like CO, CO2, CH4, SO2 when get mixed with air cause a great harm to human body, flora and fauna. Acid rain occurs due to emission of SO2 in the air. Air pollution not only causes various kinds allergies, asthma, respiratory problems, various skin diseases and other health problems but also affects the vegetation, fauna species and our environment.

An individual may think there is nothing he can do to stop these growing factors that are deteriorating the quality of our beautiful motherland. But if every individual contributes something, then we altogether can make a difference. Stated below are some common and easy measures that an individual can do to contribute in conserving our nature and its magical beauty.

1. Cycling, walking or using public transports whenever going to nearby places.
2. Conserve forests and save trees by using recycled products.
3. Plant a tree not just in Vanamahostav but whenever and wherever it seems to be needed.
4. Turning off the tap when not in use and repairing the leaky faucets and using recycled water for gardening and flushing off the toilet.
5. Switching off the switches of electrical appliances when not in use and conserve electricity.
6. Creating awareness not to pollute the water bodies.
7. Rainwater harvesting is the best way every individual can do,
8. Development and employment of non-conventional sources of energy.
9. Automobiles should be fitted with exhaust emission controls.
10. Use of flexible energies.
11. Industrial wastes should be properly treated in special treatment plants before letting it flow into the water bodies.
12. Using unleaded petrol in vehicles.

Nature is the greatest gift from God because it is the nature which thrives us, nurtures us, and sustains us. And our existence in this environment entirely depends upon the maintenance of this environment that sustains us. It is our utmost duty and necessity to regain the lost harmony between the nature and its various elements.
So, guys, let us join our hands and make a difference. It’s time to pay back our motherland for serving us, tolerating us and fulfilling our desires. It’s time to serve our mother a better endowment.

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