The Silent Struggle: Anxiety | Teen Ink

The Silent Struggle: Anxiety

June 13, 2024
By Anonymous

In my previous post, I discussed information about ACEs and their effects on an individual. In the post, I touched upon how ACEs can have an effect on the development of other mental disorders. In this post, I am going to share more about anxiety and the effects it has on an individual. 

Adolescence is a time period in which a person’s life is going through constant, major, changes and uncertainties. With this, feelings of stress are common for teenagers to present. However, for some, anxiety becomes a chronic state which interferes with their ability to go through their day to day life and perform well in school and extracurricular activities. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 31.9% of all adolescents have an anxiety disorder and when broken up by sex, 38% of females and 26.1% of males had an anxiety disorder. 

Symptoms of anxiety can vary from person to person. However, symptoms generally include excessive and recurring fears and worries, irritability, withdrawal from previously enjoyed activities, restlessness, chronic stomach and headaches, drop in grades, and trouble sleeping. It is important to look out for signs of anxiety and to spot when an adolescent is not acting like they normally do in order to catch anxiety early.

One of the major implications of anxiety in adolescents is the effect on academic performance. Fearing failure and perfectionism can lead to difficulties concentrating and avoidance of school related activities. Consequently, adolescents with anxiety tend to experience a decline in grades and difficulty completing assignments and tests. Additionally, academic struggles can create a cycle of stress and anxiety, increasing mental health struggles over time. Another implication of anxiety is that it can also impact an adolescents social life and relationships. Specifically, social anxiety can cause adolescents to avoid participating in extracurricular activities and developing new friendships and relationships. Moreover, strained relationships with friends and family can contribute to low self esteem, exacerbating emotional distress. 

Additionally, the prevalence of anxiety can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms and depression. Many times, teenagers will turn to disordered eating as a coping mechanism, and many also turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to shut off the part of their brain that worries. This can lead to a dependence on substances in order to manage their anxiety. In addition, an anxious lifestyle can be so distressing that it can lead to feelings of depression. The combination of anxiety and depression is common and Dr. Bubrick of the Child Mind Institute believes that this is because anxiety undermines well being and being unable to live life defensively puts one at risk for depression. Overall, the combination of anxiety with other mental disorders increases the likelihood of suicide attempts and self endangering behaviors. 

Without proper treatment and intervention, anxiety in adolescence can have impacts continuing into adulthood. Previous research has found that untreated anxiety in childhood can result in not only anxiety but also substance abuse and depression. Moreover, the negative impact on academic and social life can impair educational opportunities and lower grades at school. This impact continues into adulthood as it can impede on career opportunities, resulting in living in a lower socioeconomic class and economic burden. This is why it is vital to address anxiety in adolescence to mitigate these long lasting implications. 

All in all, anxiety in adolescence impacts all the spheres of an adolescent's life and can also have a lasting impact on their future. In order to better our future and help the current generation of adolescents, it is crucial that society understands the signs and impact of anxiety to develop cohesive and successful treatment plans so that one does not feel like they are suffering alone. By fostering a supportive community, society can promote a safe and healthy environment to promote positive mental health.,The%20impact%20of%20childhood%20and%20teenage,on%20later%20life%20%E2%80%93%20new%20research&text=New%20research%20has%20found%20that,at%20school%20and%20lower%20earnings.

The author's comments:

My name is Diya and I am a high school student in Lincolnshire, IL. My motivation behind writing this piece is my passion in addressing the amount of teens who are silently struggling with their mental health. Currently, I compete in HOSA-Future Health Professionals where I have researched a lot about the effect that a lack of sleep has on mental health. I want to be able to raise awareness about the mental health struggles that adolescents face so that they can seek the help they need. By providing teens with the support they need, we will be able to create a brighter future for tomorrow.

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