Stranger Danger nn the Internet | Teen Ink

Stranger Danger nn the Internet

April 11, 2016
By Adilahz GOLD, Selangor, Other
Adilahz GOLD, Selangor, Other
16 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Madam Julie is a retiree whose husband passed away two years ago. She was looking  for activities to occupy her time during her retirement. A friend introduced her to a social networking site. Madam Julie registered as a user and began reconnecting with all her old friends.

  She also accepted a friend request from someone called Barry Smith. His profile described him as a citizen of Britain and he was a retired bank officer. Just like Madam Julie , Barry had recently lost his spouse. They began communicating and Madam Julie began looking forward tomher daily chats with Barry as he seemed to understand her.

After a few months,Barry invited Madam Julie to visit him in London. He agreed to reimburse all her expenses when she arrived there. He also asked her if she could bring a parcel from one of his friends in Malaysia.

Madam Julie gladly obliged and packed the parcel that had been mailed to her address. At the airport, the customs officials searched her luggage and asked her to open the package. They found a powdery substance in the package which turned out to be drugs.


The customs officials detained her. Madam Julie realised that she had been duped by Barry. Thankfully ,the police believed her story. She also learned that there were many other victims like her. She cooperated with the police and this eventually led to the arrest of Barry,who turned out to be a drug user.


She was thankful that the package was discovered before she left the country. Looking back,she realised how gullible she had been. She decided to exercise more caution when dealing with strangers on the internet and she made it a point never to divulge personal information on the internet.

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