The Ultimate Freedom | Teen Ink

The Ultimate Freedom

November 14, 2018
By warhawk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
warhawk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One by one the flag is pressed into the soil beside engraved granite. A stone of a fallen American rests in the ground of the country they served, the country they loved. The click of the heels marks the beginning. A soldier goes through his routine meticulously marching to and fro at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier— all because men and women fought and perished to instill our freedom of speech.

Cascading water breaks the silence of the World War II Memorial. Each pillar represents a state, one piece making us whole. Each represents the Servicemen and women who went overseas to fight evil and put America above all— all to instill our freedoms.

A cold granite statue rises echoing those who spoke out for equality. Lead by a man who spoke “I Have A Dream”, his words evoke demotion and made changes in our society. Representing progress and showing the weight speech has on people and its influence to make change— all to create equality.

A wall shaped as a chevron marks a war ended by speech. Names engraved in mirrored black granite, reflect those who visit. Men and women protect our freedoms and their lives saved by war ending speeches and protests. The speech puts pressure on the government to save our youth, so one day they can speak too.

Congress shall not pass a law abridging the freedom of speech. Words enshrined in our Bill of Rights, a part of the constitution, and the foundation of our great nation. Protected by our servicemen and women. Freedom of speech is serving our country so others can speak, speaking for equality for all, and speaking up for what is right.

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