Earth through the crack of a door | Teen Ink

Earth through the crack of a door

October 13, 2007
By Anonymous

Earth through the crack of a door

The mysterious ways of our world today
Lived is life, which we live today

Secret tales of thousands of years
Yet been discovered through our own peers

Try peeking through the crack of a door
You can realize things that never before

Things that may not interest you much
People are dying, starving, and such

Diverse people fill this colossal cookie bowl

Some people which, are hidden in an abandon hole

Holes are too deep, too thick to get out
They call, and call…crying out for help

Now, they are playing the true game of life

The hard one, the impossible one, as tough as a knife

All people aren’t perfect, they all have their downs

Some don’t understand, and their wearing a gold crown

This crown, to me, is a crown of shame
That one wears, to hide from their true name

But, life is full of some beautiful things
Some we don’t appreciate because were tangled in strings

The toasted crumbs, sit off on their own
The one’s we ignore, like they are postponed

Dying, and starving there’s no time to waste
To them, we can’t move, we’re stuck in thick paste

The paste, gold crowns, and even the strings
Are blocking our path from doing great things

Now, the bowls empty
Was it ever full?
Try to look through it, open it. PULL.

Ignoring the lessons that life seems to sprout
Because were too rushed, to figure things out

It ends so soon, so why be rushed
Once it’s all over your world will be hushed

Before the soul lays and goes right to bed
There are people that suffer, cry, and need to be fed

Microscopes eyes have powerful rays
Follow the light, which comes from each way

This beam wills destroy the crowns, paste and strings
For those aren’t the most of important things

Rewind through the years of which nothing has changed
Rewind to the top and start over again

The mysterious ways of our world today
Lived is life, which we live today

Secret tales of thousands of years
Yet been discovered through our own peers

Peaking through the crack of a door
You feel and see things that never before

So, next time you see a person to feed
Lend out a hand, that’s all that they need.

Now, look carefully is the bowl really empty?
Had it ever been full or has their been plenty?

"This will certify that the above work is completely original" Alexandra Arcalean

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