Bullying | Teen Ink


December 8, 2011
By Anonymous

I may have never really been bullied like most people but I do know what it feels like to be called something you're not. Bullies do NOT realize how much words hurt. They don't realize that at the end of the day they leave people feeling horrible. Most people commit suicide without telling someone they are being bullied.
I can't judge other people because I choose not to. Yes they may be different than me but that's the whole point!! You are different for a reason. Sometimes I just don't understand why people think that other people need to change. When you're bullied, you feel like there's no one to trust or you can't figure out why they chose you to pick on...You didn't do anything wrong. If you're being bullied and you're reading this now, don't be afraid to stand up and speak out. Because bullies are going to realize that you're a lot more stronger than they realize. Also, don't be afraid to tell someone that you're being bullied and you need help. There are people out there who will help you. There are people who care about you. I may not know who you are but...I CARE!! And that's what matters.

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