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March 11, 2016
By Anonymous

 Though people typically make every effort to appear confident, accomplished and cheerful to others, we all have flaws and shortcomings. In the first two months of my junior year things for me got off to a rough start. The people who meant the most to me, like my boyfriend for almost 2 years was gone. At this point in my life, the only thing that I would do was nothing. I had no energy to accomplish anything. My friends at the time were there for me when I went through the break up, they were really the only ones who I could count on. During the break up process I started to lose a lot of weight all at once because I became stressed. I lost 10 pounds over a month's time. To me that wasn't that much because I wasn't in season so it was just a lot of muscle, it was barely noticeable or at least that's what I thought.

My friends at the time, I thought they would be there for me through anything and everything. Every Time we would hang out they would attack me and say “ you look sickling” or “ I can't even look at you without wanting to throw up.”  Those were my best friends so I didn't understand how they could just say those things and not expect me to not take that to heart. If they were true friends, they should have approached that topic in a different way than to come straight out and attack me. One thing lead to another and I let them get in my head and I took the things they said to heart. Personally I thought I looked good!, so when they started to say all those things my confidence level went down.
Now looking back at this situation, it has taught me that the only person you can really and truly  count on is yourself. I have learned that you shouldn't care what people say to you because the only person you should please and want to please is yourself. In highschool people are gonna give you crap either because they think that it's funny or because they are jealous of you and will do anything to bring you down so they can feel on top. 
In the first months of my junior year it sucked. I thought nothing was gonna get better, but then I realized that when you stop caring so much about the image that other people see of you, and you start doing things that you want to do, that's when you will find true happiness not only in life but in yourself.

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