The Seasons Through Lapham Peak | Teen Ink

The Seasons Through Lapham Peak

October 24, 2018
By Anonymous


The first days of fall are crunchy and crisp. The leaves change colors, red, orange, purple, yellow. The calm whips of the wind tickle any exposed part of your body as your hiking through the trail. The smell of burning leaves and campfires traveling through the path hitting your senses. The fright hike, the attraction of the October as the halloween scares attract many. Deer moving towards this 1,000 acre attraction to feast on the acorn and shrubs this national park is filled with. From fall on the light beauty of the cold only deepens as the season changes to winter.


The beginning days of winter are full of anticipation. The first snowfall sprinkles delicate flakes across the dying grass like a blanket of fleece on the ground. The chilled, crisp, and cooled wind blows lifeless trees back and forth. Boots sinking into the snow as you walk through the trails. Noses turning red as they watch Lapham peaks scenery turn into an icy kingdom. Herds of deer prancing through the snow leaving prints in the snow. As the winter frost melts down towards showers of spring, the plants journey back to blooming begins through the next season.


Spring is a season anxiously awaited.  The warm winds whip through the air like gray clouds on a stormy day.  Rainy afternoons wash away the dead winter worries. The water soaks my socks, as I pounce over the puddles. Birds nervously chirp like teenage girls waiting to see if they made the team.  Animals awaken from their nap, senses overwhelmed by the sweet smells of Spring. The smell of wild flowers fill the air. The smell of fresh laundry from a distance. The trees start to bud into colorful, lavish leaves. The grass starts to flourish. Many hikers return to the trail to enjoy breezy outdoor activities. People can observe the ice on the lakes around the area melt from the observation tower. Then, Spring gradually warms into Summer.


The odor of new-mowed grass. Plants bloom into exotic flowers. Cicadas buzz. Squirrels and chipmunks scurry up trees. The butterfly garden revives with butterflies again. The dark days of winter turn into bright, hot and sunny days. Dandelions and daisies sprout from the grass, like the dew does each morning. The heat presses on hikers’ skin. At the peak, picnic baskets and lunch spread on blankets. Reprieve under shade rests weary feet and tired toes. Animals, vegetation, humans together share Lapham Peak’s wonders.  The cycle continues as autumn fastly approaches...

The author's comments:

This piece brought us all closer to nature and had us really think about how beautiful our state park is.

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