Modern Day Racism in America | Teen Ink

Modern Day Racism in America

December 10, 2018
By TrueDoughnut BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
TrueDoughnut BRONZE, Broomfield, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind~ Dr.Seuss

“You have to work twice as hard to get half as much” (Chatterjee). Racism perpetuated in America is causing several problems; in communities and with people. Although many people say that we got rid of racism, the evidence says otherwise. Saying that racism was lost when we abolished slavery and inequalities, is completly ignorant and short sighted.

Name Discrimination

The people hiring for different jobs discriminate on people's names in resumes, so much so that the odds of a African American person getting a job are skewed. According to and article by Sonali Kohli, “Sending almost identical resumes and cover letters... the only differences were their names- meant to signal race to the employers- and the colleges they attended… There was a difference in about 6 percent between the responses for state colleges. But the gap widens to 11 percent when you compare white elite college graduates to black graduates from in state schools.“. All of this goes to show that different jobs discriminate based on names because of racism that still exists in the modern day, the numbers really should have been equal of course giving some space for different coincidences and biases of specific people.

Stress from Racism Causes Infant Death

As a result, racism is causing African American women are put under so much stress from racism that even people from good situations are susceptible to feeling the racial pressure put on them. According to the article by Rhitu Chatterjee and Rebecca Davis, African American babies are dying rapidly in the US, not because of genetics or security because of racism in black women’s lives, they are twice as likely to give birth to a premature baby or an unhealthy one because of racism stress. Based on this, one must conclude that racism is killing babies and their sense of worth. The stress from racism should not and never should have been so horrible that it is twice as likely to have a premature baby because of racism.


Police Brutality

Many people have heard on the news about another young kid being killed because the police officer behind the gun had racial bias but what if the death wasn‘t caused by personal bias but rather the amount of racism the state perpetuates. An article on the website City Lab states, “five key indicators of systemic racism— racial segregation, incarceration rate gaps, educational attainment gaps, the economic disparity index, and employment disparity gaps—for each state.The worse that African Americans are doing on those five fronts compared to white people, the higher the state’s score on what the researchers call a “state racism index.”...structural racism does positively correlate with higher levels of police killings of African Americans.” The most logical conclusion anyone can get from this is that racism still exists in our states and also our mindsets because the fact that any of the states had a state racism index is ludicrous and should be taken into account. Police brutality then correlating with the state racism index is a problem that we all should be talking about or taking action against.

Ultimately, racism is a huge problem that should be dealt with and talked about, it still exists and sweeping it under a mat isn’t going to help anyone. Racism should be talked about and taught in school. If friends are making racist comments call them out. These small steps can contribute to an overall goal of reaching equality for all.

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