Senior Songs | Teen Ink

Senior Songs

December 18, 2018
By Anonymous

Do you have a song or multiple songs that hold such a precious memory that you will never forget? I sure do. As I am going through my senior year I have realized that time is going by fast and these past four years will be in the past and I will be moving on to bigger and better things for myself. I can relate to many songs but the songs that I relate to the most currently are near to my heart. “Don’t Blink”, “Mountains”, “You’re Gonna Miss This”, and “5 More Minutes” are all great songs and they all have a special meaning to me.

“Don’t Blink” by Kenny Chesney is known well for being a song about life. The fact that life goes by so fast and that we really only have a limited amount of time on this earth. It is also a very well known graduation song. It is played at many graduations because there was a time you were a young six-year-old child who took a nap everyday now you’re twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife in the blink of an eye. Being a young adult you have to make decisions that will affect the rest of our life. It is very sentimental because it is such a true meaning and statement that Kenny is trying to get across. This can be a song that anyone can relate to because we all go through the same life cycle.

“There are times in life when you gotta crawl. Lose your grip, trip and fall. When you can't lean on no-one else. That's when you find yourself” “Mountain” by Lonestar is another great song that many people are well aware of. This song is a great example of going through hard times while going through high school. High school is not easy and there will be bumps in the road but you have to learn to get up and to keep trying. I have first hand realized that sometimes you have to do things for yourself and that you will not always have someone to lean on.

While being a senior you develop a feeling that you just want to be done with high school. You are ready to move on and be on your own. Moving on to college can be scary but usually seniors are ready to adventure into the real world “You’re Gonna Miss This” by Trace Adkins is a relatable song for this reason. This is another very popular graduation song that is played at a lot of graduation ceremonies and parties. I am at that stage of my senior year that I just want to be out of here and be on my own. I want to explore and become my own self.

Eventually there will become a day that there will be no more high school. No more hand holding, no more coasting through, and no more being lazy. It is time to become an adult and learn that you have to work for your things. But I do believe that as much as seniors say today that they wont miss this place that at one point in time they will wish they could come back to high school because it is so much easier to be guided than to put effort in on your own. “5 More Minutes” by Scotty McCreery is the prime example of a song that portrays this message.

Everyone will go through the same life cycle but most people do not have same experiences throughout life. One song may mean something to me but something completely different to someone else. Everyone has a different story but these songs all relate together as I finish my four years of high school for me. They all represent a different stage in life that I have overcome or know that I will be facing soon and that’s why they mean something very special to me.

The author's comments:

Being a senior makes me reflect on all songs that may protray something about senior year.

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