Humans Are Adrenaline Junkies | Teen Ink

Humans Are Adrenaline Junkies

February 22, 2019
By ingridkarabinos SILVER, Lakeway, Texas
ingridkarabinos SILVER, Lakeway, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The satisfaction of beating someone or being better than them is what makes humans feel more content with their lifestyle. It gives them reassurance that they are doing something right. William Hazlitt, a British Essayist, says that “Nature seems (the more we look into it) made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. Life would turn to a stagnant pool, were it not ruffled by the jarring interests, the unruly passions, of men.” Provided that there is always conflict in nature that leads to a resolution; conflict causes triumph over an opponent and leaves a sensation of satisfaction.

Throughout history, conflict has usually led to eventual gratification. For example, the 2016 presidential election (Trump vs. Hillary) was a source of friction in people’s lives. It became wildly more popular after Trump’s and Hillary’s major disagreements. There are always two sides to every story, and in this case each side fueled an ongoing fire that gave people a choice between two ridiculous candidates . The entire population of the United States of America was intertwined in the debate for the 45th U.S. president. The candidates’ rivalry allowed the people to feel involved; it was the main source of conversation for those 15 weeks. With the absence of people’s common interest, the election wouldn’t have been near the big deal it was made out to be. Furthermore, those in favor of Trump were left pleased with the outcome of the election, and are left comforted by their new president. An additional topic of opposing outlooks is people immigrating into our country. 1. Just in 2016, 149 million foreigners came to the U.S.. The immigrants, battling for refuge in the U.S., have made the United States much more cultural and interesting. However, a lot of natives are slightly upset by the disturbance in food supply and job opportunities. The U.S. is known for being a ‘melting pot’ of people, and this what makes our nation so much more complex. If we were all of the same race and origin, our history and past would have no passion or struggle in it. We wouldn’t be the society we are today without the people who have come here to live. Our fusion of culture in society is what gives citizens gratification about the hassle of coming here.

Throughout my life, I have had numerous encounters in which I have had discord with another person. A few months ago, I disagreed with a classmate on why we stopped communicating with each other and being present in one another’s life. My point of view was more serious and heartfelt; along the lines of how we hurt each other’s feelings. My adversary’s point of view shifted to the thought of them being better than me. We were at completely different emotional depths, and lacked adequate communication. I voiced my opinion in a more mature way, and ended up embarrassing him with my quick remarks. This argument led me to getting more attention and praise, allowing me to feel glory and satisfaction.

Human nature requires competition in order to feel contented. You could ultimately describe this lust for adventure as an adrenaline junkie, yearning for a skirmish. Inherent conflict will end in triumph, provide satisfaction, and give way to a resolution. The lively election between the two evils, interesting lifestyles that foreigners donate to this country, and a heartfelt argument between peers are what keep the most mundane men on their toes. Every person needs something to live for, and most people need controversy. People should seek these thing out and use it for the greater good.

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