Address the Stress | Teen Ink

Address the Stress

October 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Most students can agree that they face many challenges throughout their school careers. One large issue that many students are affected by is the heavy amount of work they are assigned, which comes with many negative side effects. One major problem of having a lot of work is stress, which, too, comes along with many other side effects, such as headaches and lack of energy. Not only does having heavy workloads lead to stress, but it often also leads to sleep deprivation because students cannot finish their work before a reasonable bedtime. On top of that, sleep-deprived students tend to perform poorly in school because their brains are not running on enough sleep to perform at their best. These are just a few of the many negative effects that work-related stress has on students. Personally, I often get overcome by stress because of the large quantities of schoolwork and studying I have to complete in one night. Having a large amount of work to do at home causes me to stay up later, ultimately causing me to be temperamental and feel less motivated the next day. Imagine what could be accomplished if students were stress free and well-rested. 

All of the problems that come along with being assigned a heavy workload as a student do, however, have solutions. Firstly, schools should have regulations regarding the amount of homework teachers are allowed to assign. For example, the homework that teachers do assign should not be in absurd quantities. Instead, each teacher should assign a reasonable amount of homework that will still allow the students to apply their knowledge without stressing over the assignment. Also, teachers should only be able to assign homework that is practical and necessary to the building of knowledge on the lessons students are learning. Teachers should not be allowed to assign busy work or illogical assignments that will not benefit the students’ learning. Moreover, another solution to the issue of homework-related stress among students is weekly meetings in order for teachers to discuss their lesson plans amongst each other so that each class’s assignments can be spaced out and not all packed into one time frame. These meetings should be organized by grade because by grade, these meetings would help to prevent the cramming of assessments and assignments for the majority of the students in each grade. By teachers assigning less homework for students to complete and by teachers attending weekly discussion meetings, stress over homework among students and the side effects that come along with it can be solved. 

In relation, making such changes will help to solve students’ stress that is related to schoolwork. First, by schools having regulations that limit the amount of homework teachers are allowed to give, students will be less stressed. Students will be less stressed because they will not have an unnecessary amount of work to complete after school. By lowering the amount of stress students are overcome by, students will also be more energized. Also, lessening the amount of homework students are given will allow for students to dedicate more time after school to study for tests and quizzes. By having more time to study, students will be able to make better grades and ultimately raise their grade point averages, which will also help the students to be more content with their grades and less anxious about them. In addition, by teachers attending weekly meetings to discuss their lesson plans and schedules, students’ work-related stress can be solved because teachers will be able to schedule tests and quizzes for their students on days that are less busy. This will help to combat school-related stress because students will have less school work piled into one night, and they will be able to manage their time more efficiently. These rules should be enforced because these impositions will help to eliminate issues that correspond with work-related stress such as sleep deprivation, lack of motivation, and moodiness in students.

The author's comments:

This piece of writing is a problem-solution essay focused on students' school-related stress. 

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