Happy enviornment | Teen Ink

Happy enviornment

November 15, 2024
By 5platten SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5platten SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not the clothes on the man it the man in the clothes" - Roscoe

a student in 2024, the most important thing to me is my family and friends. My family and friends have supported me with every decision I make whether smart or dumb which pushes me to be a better person. Without my friends, I wouldn't have anyone to go to when I struggle with homework or my stress. My friends have navigated me through the pressure of school and life
During school, I zone out all day. I won't talk, I won't laugh, I won't have fun. I focus on what needs to be done. With my AirPods in, and calming music playing while I have noise cancellation on, I blackout. I constantly stress from all the work that is being pushed on me and all the information I need to retain and comprehend in a short amount of time which makes my mood even worse. My friends are why I break out of that mood. I have learned that my friends care for my well-being and push me to be better at school as they make sure I'm up to date on my assignments and help me with any trouble that I am having.
Now that I am more awake at school, I try to offer help to anyone who seems like they are struggling. Whether it’s helping a classmate with a difficult concept or just being there to listen; I want to ensure everyone feels supported. In an academic setting where things like tests or even finding where to sit at lunch can be stressful and overwhelming, I feel like one simple act of kindness can make a big difference. To be a better student, I feel that I can improve when I am surrounded by people who are inclusive and helpful.
Being a student means that even when I feel alone and helpless, I will always have my friends to turn to for guidance.

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