Favorite Tv show | Teen Ink

Favorite Tv show

March 2, 2016
By Anonymous

?What is Your Favorite Television Show
“If you were as half as funny as you think you are, you’d be twice as funny as you are
now,”  this is a line from my favorite television show “Bones”.  “Bones” is my favorite show
because it combines solving mysteries with interesting characters and an intelligent plot-line. 
“Bones” is a dark comedy drama based on the real life of a forensic anthropologist. A
forensic anthropologist is locating and recovering skeletal human remains and works to assess
the age,?sex, ancestry, stature, and unique features of a decedent from the skeleton.
Bones solves mysteries taken from the headlines . I like mysteries because the story could go any
way with many twists and turns. In almost all crime shows there is never the answer to your
question revealed correctly and right at the beginning, sometimes you think you have the correct
suspect and evidence, then something new shows up or you look at the evidence and notice
something different.  I love to study the behavior of people and how they interact with others.
“Bones” is different from other crime-solving shows because  her character is very unique and
In this show, the main character is Bones, it’s actually a nickname that she got from her
FBI partner and will-be husband. Bones is an interesting character.  Growing up, she didn’t have
a lot of friends and even now doesn't really have friends outside of work. ?Bones barely has any
life outside of work except when she marries her partner Booth and has a baby. ?Some of the
reasons I think she is interesting and frankly sort of weird, it is  probably because of her
upbringing.  She never had a mother growing up and her father was a criminal.  I like the fact
that she is “weird’ because everybody has a little bit of a “weird” side that some might not want
the public to know about. Even though she is bizarre , some might say, she does have some great
friends working with her and she is very smart. This is another reason I like the show because of
the intelligence.
What’s intelligent about it is the crimes and the way they do their job and equipment
they use. Crimes profiled in the show are committed  by sophisticated and smart people. The way
that Bones and her crew think and respond is not expected and keeps the viewer on his/her
feet.The thing about some of these crimes is they are realistic, not super genius, not impossible
crimes. When they are pieced together at the end of the show, the viewer is left to think “that
makes sense, why didn't I guess that?” Since  the show Bones is about homicide, I learn facts
about the human body, technology, science, and sometimes about the FBI and rules that police
need to follow. One of the things I learned is that they use the insects and bacteria found on a
body to determine time of death. The show uses a group of forensic experts and fact-checkers to
ensure that all details are correct. 
My favorite tv show is “Bones” because it is filled with mystery, intelligent characters
and has an intelligent, well thought-out plot. Murder, flesh-eating bugs, blunt-force trauma and
funny lines like “If you were half as funny as you think you are, you’d be twice as funny as you,
are now” is why “Bones” is my favorite show.  To some, science and forensics is boring, but
with the addition of an awkward, but likable main character and an intelligent plot this show is
likely to be one of my most favorite shows ever. 

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