Is Therapy Effective? | Teen Ink

Is Therapy Effective?

May 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Therapy is the treatment intended to relieve or heal mental or psychological disorders. Of course, therapy won’t delay or stop the patients’ deaths but it still effectively intervene mood swings, depression, and other mentally affected patients. “Affectively” doesn’t mean that it works all the time and can be cured quickly, but might take a while and most of the time can be cured if a lot of efforts were put into it. So, therapy can patients affectively even though it might not show that much since mental illnesses are not something that’s shown physically, like a broken arm or leg, but shown inside their minds and feelings. And, even though a patient dies, wouldn’t it be more appealing for the people who were left behind and also for the patient if they left peacefully, or rather, happily?

A therapist named Dr. Weiss is one of the many therapists in the world who tries so hard to cure his patient’s illnesses. He said that therapists usually get close to his or her patients and when death claims the patient, the therapists have been sad as well. Also, Dr. Weiss said that he began to develop an automatic rite of remembrance where when he touch one of the files of a dead patient, he stops for a second and close his eyes to pay silent homage to the deceased. This is a showing of attachment and closeness to his patient. And, if a doctor grew close to a patient, wouldn’t any doctor want to do his or her best to get that patient well?

Well, Dr. Weiss also says that there is a grist here for the interpretive mill and say that maybe he’s warding his own fears of being forgotten when a patient dies. He tells people later on that he is not asking for forgiveness or having made mistakes or for not having done enough just because a patient dies. It could be his fault, but it could be not. Dr. Weiss says that he tried his best to heal the patient and if he feels good that he has gone a great job and tried his best to heal the patient, then everything’s fine. No matter how much he tried, no matter how much effort he put into healing the patient, if the patient still dies, then maybe his or her death may have been inevitable and unavoidable.

Lastly, Dr. Weiss makes his own small, private ceremonies where its kind of like a ritual when death occurs and those speak to the isolation of the therapist when patients die. This shows that Dr. Weiss, and surely many other therapists too, care about their own patient and are lonely when their patients die since then, one of their patients are gone from this world. While Dr. Weiss also stated that he even though he probably know much more about the patient and his surrounding environment and people than the people around the patient, he really never meet and talk to the people related to the patients. So, when death of a patient occurs, he, or any other therapists, don’t have anyone who will mourn with them for comfort them in any way.

Doctors might be considered ineffective if they can’t heal a patient or can’t prevent his or her death. However, that only goes for physical damage done to the patient and if the doctor had tried his best, well at lest he or she did their best. Also, for therapists, it’s more complicated. If a patient dies, that doesn’t mean therapy isn’t effective or not working. Because therapy can’t stop death. It intervenes mood swings and other mental illnesses that patients go through. So, therapy is affective even though some people might not see it that way.

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