My name | Teen Ink

My name

September 27, 2019
By Anonymous

My name is Allan.  I got my name from my dad and my dad's name is also Allan.  My mom and my dad chose me this because he wanted a girl, but he didn't get one and my parents decided to name me Allan because the doctor thought I was a girl and I was not.  My parents didn't find out I was a boy until birth. They thought I was a girl everyone in my family thought I was a girl so when I was born, my dad was confused because he thought he would get a girl and he didn't but then the named my after my dad. 

My favorite person in my family is my dad.  It’s an honor I have his name. My dad is not annoying and I respect him.   Someday, I would like to pass this name on to my son if I have one.

I want to change my name to Daniel because I just like it also people call me Aj because im am a jr also when my dad gets mad he calls me by my full name. My mom calls me by aj even though she is mad. My brother david is named off of my grandfather and he is david totton and my brother is david totton. I have a lot of people named off of people in my family. Like my cousin mikey and my uncle mike.  And m family also calls me linses because when I was little I use to drag my blanket in my parents room.

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