What My Name Means | Teen Ink

What My Name Means

October 3, 2019
By Anonymous

In Greek, Allison means truth. Allie means light or shining bright. It means smiling. It means laughing uncontrollably. It means a bright sun. It means jumping on a trampoline. Or running a marathon.

Allie is like the color yellow. Always exciting and eye-catching. It’s the number 5. It’s like a blanket. Smooth and soft. It’s like a sunflower blowing in the wind. Unpredictable yet calm. It’s a bright yellow highlighter pointing out something important. It causes people to stare. 

My friends call me Allie. I changed to an Allie when I was 5 years old. As a toddler, you should be crazy. Gulping down sugar. Legs moving faster than your body. But when you’re an Allison as a toddler you seem like a kid that is sitting at a desk all day. Like a kid that goes to meetings. A kid that wears a blazer and nerdy glasses. Hence, why I will remain an Allie until I would become an adult. 

Allison is just too blah for the age that I am. Allison is a dry pond. It causes people to yawn and continue walking. I am not mature in ways to be called an Allison. Allison is black and white. It’s a perfect ponytail and glasses. Allison would be acceptable for a job interview. For meetings with professionals. That’s the only time when I would use it.

My mother wanted to name me Allison because she wanted a biblical name. Both of my brothers have biblical names. Faith is important to my family. The cross is constantly shining down on me. This is the main reason why my name is my name.

Allie is prettier than Allison. However, Allison is more classical than Allie. I basically have two names. That makes it easy because if I want to change it I can. Allie is more bubbly which is how I see myself. Allie is colors jumbled together. It’s braided pigtails with light yellow ribbons tied on the ends. 

I will remain an Allie for a while. I like feeling exuberant and want to be someone who people open their eyes to see. Someone that makes people shout. I wish I would’ve changed to Allie sooner in life. 

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