Summer Fest 08 | Teen Ink

Summer Fest 08

July 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Me and my girl friend went to summer fest 08 at a Tuesday were my 2ed favorite band Skillet. But there were playing at 10:00 and my dads band was playing also at ten. We got there around 5:00 P.M. and we were just walking around just doing random stuff like we went in those cheap photo things were it takes pictures it was fun it was a good 10 spent. After that I owned her at Dance Dance Revolution. We were starving so we went to t he charcoal grill we spent 12 bucks in all for food we both got chicken tenders and fries it was a huge meal I couldn’t even finish it. It was around 7:30 so we headed to the concert hall at the zippo stage.
We stopped at the main entrance and stopped at a fountain were they had jets come up from the ground I told Morgan that I would give her a dollar if she went in it she did we got soaked and I was drenched and I am glad of I brought a sweatshirt so I went shirtless the rest of the day.
We saw a band called “Red” it was ok not that special they did have good songs but only lasted 30 mins. Then they played Skillet.
Skillet played there best songs what so ever we were in so many mosh pits it was crazy I still have bruises ughhh it was so much fun and crazy it was exhilarating it was the best concert I have ever been to.

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