My Beloved Grandmother | Teen Ink

My Beloved Grandmother

October 26, 2008
By Anonymous

As the world goes on, a tiny spot in India holds a dying beloved grandmother. I love my grandmother alot and to know she was dying and in pain was probably like death of myself. My beloved grandmother, who had taught me to live and learn, was now about to leave the world forever. She was going to leave all her loved ones. The worst was I didn't get to see her before she died and to know I was going to lose one of the most important people of my life was too horrible for words. The funeral, the loss made my tears keep on coming down like a flood and as we all said of how we appreciated our grandmother, the pain struck all my family and relatives. I thought of how my grandmother used to call me lovingly and how our visits to India were full with her. I also thought now I didn't have a grandmother. As time went by, we got used to life although we never forgot our grandmother because now she is a star in the sky, watching us and spreading us with her thought, care, and smiles.

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This article has 1 comment.

anonymous said...
on Nov. 14 2008 at 9:07 pm
superduper job!