Recycling | Teen Ink


February 27, 2014
By Hiilei Wong Yuen BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Hiilei Wong Yuen BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Recycling: What’s happening to our world?!
Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle locally.
Make recycle go viral!

The main question that pops in people’s mind when recycling is mentioned is, “why don’t people just recycle?” The response is usually is that you don’t want to put in the extra effort. Well that’s not a good reason to kill our planet isn’t it! Or people say that they don’t have enough space to put they’re recycling stuff. Easy solution put a garbage can outside by the curb or in your garage. Others say, “Why do recycling if it doesn’t make a big difference?” Well to answer that, it does make a difference. Every single can, can make a difference to the world.

Here are a few reasons why you should recycle.
1. Recycling saves energy because the machine doesn’t have to produce something from raw natural sources.
2. Recycling reduces landfills.
3. Recycling protects wildlife and preserves resources.
4. Recycling is good for the economy because it creates a greater demand for recycled goods. The goods use less water and less pollution.

5. Recycling helps climate problems by reducing amount of unhealthy greenhouse gas omissions.

A plan to get recycling go viral is to set up recycling bins at each school and put a recycling bin in each classroom. Also the recycling places can be checked every week to see how much the number of cans/bottles being recycled increased.

Some recycling places to go to are the County of Hawaii Recycling, Recycle Hawaii, or Atlas Recycling Center. Whichever place is easiest or closest, go and bring all the recycling cans/bottles you got!

So come on down and start a trend on recycling. Recycling takes just a few seconds to throw your can into a separate bag instead of with the rubbish. Then only a little while of your day to make room and set up a bin or basket for your cans and bottles! There’s also a bonus for recycling which is getting $0.05 and the satisfaction of a step closer to making our world a better place to live in. Go green and start recycling!

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