Stop Cyberbullying | Teen Ink

Stop Cyberbullying

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

There is too much bullying happening around the world its time to make it stop.Today I am going to talk about cyberbullying and how to stop it.There are many diffrent ways of bullying that the young people use now at days.They use technology now.It is called cyberbullying they use internet.The internet can be a good thing but in this category it is used for bad.

The reason why is because the people that is bullying feels more protected behind a screen which they are wrong.It still causes the same harm that just saying it to there faces or fighting physically.The bully still feels safer behind a screen.Ways that bullys can be delt with is that tell someone what is happening. Tell them what they are doing but you have to tell someone about it or it can not be fixed.

If you see this happening to someone tell an adult or someone who you think can help.If you think you shouldn’t try to help by saying stop or that saying it isn't funny ,but if that does not work like I said earlier tell an adult or tell a teacher.When you say something I am sure they will not say who told ,so you are safe from the bully.Trust me by saying something you helping a friend not tattling.Thank you for reading this PLEASE STOP BULLYING.

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