A Presidential Rally | Teen Ink

A Presidential Rally MAG

By Anonymous

   The visit by President Clinton, the First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and Tipper Gore was a momentous event for Buffalo for many reasons. It was the day after the President's State of the Union address, an important annual event heightened by the hype in the political arena surrounding the impeachment hearings.

The television coverage of the event that attracted some 20,000 Clinton supporters showed that the President's popularity to be the highest ever. Television, however, could not transmit the explosive energy in that room when the President arrived.

I was lucky to receive tickets through my mother who is an elected official in our town. Even though I had heard the President speak at the Democratic National Convention, I had never seen the "amazing four" speak with such dynamic energy and sincerity.

After the speeches, my friend dragged me toward the railing in front of the stage, pushing through a frantic, energized group of people trying to get a moment with one of these political leaders. I became nauseous as the crowd swayed, but somehow we were swept to the front and pressed against the railing by the stage. A few minutes later, the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, walked by and, to my great surprise, agreed to pose for a photo.

I handed my disposable camera to a man who was probably a member of the Secret Service. Suddenly the camera wouldn't work. What amazed me was that Mrs. Clinton did not hurriedly brush by us, but patiently waited until the camera would work, even when literally thousands of screaming supporters waited to speak with her.

I was truly impressed by both Clinton's and Gore's demeanor and presence at the rally. Their ideas on how to direct our country into the next millennium were clear and understandable. I can only hope that American citizens will not let the events of the past year interfere with helping to make the President's ideas for our country become a reality.

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i love this so much!