Feedback: Thoughts About The Future | Teen Ink

Feedback: Thoughts About The Future MAG

By Anonymous

   I am writing about the article titled "Thoughts About the Future in the June issue. The comparison made between the fable and our growing desire for technology was presented very well. However, the fable's meaning may have been misinterpreted, because greediness and development are two different subjects. In the fable the fisherman's wife desired existing objects just as humans do. Civilians rarely wish for technology unknown to men at the time they think about it. No matter how much greed one lacks, engineers, scientists, and inventors will always come up with new products. Consumers will always be bound to buy these goods in order to catch up with the rest of the world. I found the writer's advice in not losing our common sense excellent. I hope we never get to the point of being totally impaired or dependent on machines to run our daily lives. Overall the article was thought-provoking and very well written.

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i love this so much!