Bullies Seen in Society | Teen Ink

Bullies Seen in Society

November 29, 2016
By Hannahmcmillen BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
Hannahmcmillen BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
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Human beings tend to derive from a positive nature but due to learned characteristics and exposure to society many develop an ill natured persona. Children typically do not intentionally go out of their way to harm another being but as they age, exposure to negative influences affects their opinions, values, and morals. This can especially be seen in the negative way many members of society treat one another. People that are seen as different are bullied and are left out for the duration of their lives. This can lead to emotional distress and mental illness, or on a more positive note it can lead to someone who changes the world due to positive change and awareness brought to people's attention. Societies' negative treatment towards their peers can lead to an endless array of outcomes, though unpredictable due to differences in personality and the mind of those bullied. Many different types of bullies can be seen in society due to flawed influences in their lives known as: the Victim turned Bully, the Hush Hush bully, the Indecent Ally, and the Hates on the Unknown.


Victim turned Bully
  How ironic that the one who endured such harsh treatment can become the one who destroys an innocent souls self-confidence? When a victim goes through bullying it brings him or her to a point where they get so tired of the words or actions that they themselves flip the switch and turn against the world. They treat others with the same torment they once faced by either mentally or physically harassing them. The truth of the matter is simply they they pretend getting revenge is a necessary tactic to boost their ego and bring a sense of relief and contentment to their own lives. Many fall into these actions after going through mental illnesses including anxiety and depression. They harm others as a coping method to make their own lives seem of higher quality. After ferociously climbing themselves out of the never ending hole they use their new found freedom to deliberately harass others as opposed to contributing good to the world


Hush, Hush Bully

The words from that of a hush,hush bully are muted and weak. They will never directly criticize or harass another, but will speak negatively about you behind your back. They walk past you on the streets, act as if you are imperceptible, and don't even acknowledge your existence. It is then they go and speak of you resentfully, the words rolling off their tongue faster than the speed of light. "Did you see that girl?" "Did you see her hair, her clothes or her makeup". This is not commonly seen as bullying since most people say these things on a routine basis without ever blinking an eye. These people will laugh over these things over dinner with their friends, laughing about some haphazard encounter with the girl with blue hair and all black clothing at the grocery store.There may be no motive behind this other than it is what they see as the norm, or even how they have seen their elders treat people. Victims of this may never know what the Hoi Polloi have said about them without their acknowledgement, though those who have been victims to bullying for some time are critically aware that this takes place sporadically throughout their lives or even throughout the entirety of their life.


Indecent Ally

An indecent ally is someone you may consider a friend.  At times they may treat you with complete and utter decency while other times they may treat you as if you are nothing more than an inhuman creature. As soon at they notice you you are blasted with distasteful comments and slurs that of which a true friend would never cross their mind to say. These words soar deep into your heart and make it ache with immense melancholy. This feeling can happen day, after day, after day and is seemingly never ending The indecent ally truly may not realize this causes harm to the victims self esteem and tears down their confidence. It can slice someone's heart and fill it with sorrow and grief. This person may feel poorly about them self, which may lead to savagely taking it out on one who is supposedly their friend. Troubles in their lives can lead to pessimistic actions and comments towards somebody with no wrongdoings of their own.


Hates on the Unknown

One who hates on the unknown is merciless towards what they are saying about an individual. It may be directed toward an individual or said to a friend as the victim passes, but loud enough for them to hear. Direct comments made at the individual include things such as: "you dress weird", "your makeup looks funny",and "you're ugly". More indirect statements include: "why is she wearing that, doesn't she know she looks stupid?" and "Why is her makeup so dark, it looks so dumb." Those who hate on the unknown deliver such hateful comments due to many reasons such as disliking who they are or being uncomfortable in their own skin, acquired mean traits, or societal pressures to fit in and fit the mold of your average person. Most times, these people quite frankly fear what they do not understand, causing them to spew out demeaning comments at an individual. Continued harassment from people can result in several different outcomes for the victim. The individual can be negatively affected by the bully and sink into a deep depression, which can take severe psychological intervention to recover from or for those who view their experiences as a positive stepping stone and take the lessons they've learned and fight back against the bullies and prevent their attacks against others. With this positivity they help to create positive change in the world. For many, they fall into a deep depressive state but after realizing there is possibility for a bright future, they take action towards a better life for themselves by shooting down the bullies and putting an end to their inhumane behavior.

The author's comments:

Many young people are unaware that bullies can be found in people differing from the stereotypical bully. It is important to understand the many different goes of bullies that can be found in society.

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