Danay | Teen Ink


November 18, 2019
By 0stoll BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
0stoll BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was junior year at Arrowhead High School, the year I dreaded the most, with a packed schedule that stacked hours and hours of studying. I decided to take Business Law hoping I was going to catch a break in at least one of my classes. With an interest in the law. 

I remember walking into the classroom on the first day of school with a warm welcome from a new face I had never seen before. While anxiety fumed through my body, she seemed to find a way to calm my nerves. Mrs. Danay; a new teacher at Arrowhead High School, with curly blonde hair to her shoulders, as she stands five feet. She made me feel welcomed in a classroom and it did not matter who else was in the classroom with me; I felt I could be myself. 

As a senior, I see her still having an uplifting attitude towards everyone, making sure they are okay and doing well. I see her taking time out of her prep time before class to talk to a student about their personal life. Mrs. Danay is not only a teacher, but she is also one of the most trustworthy and caring people. Talking to her about issues makes it therapeutic. 

Having a stressful period in her life right now with moving her three boys and also trying to sell her house, she still shows up to school joyful as always ready to help her students. 

Mrs. Danay also teaches a yearbook class, as many see as an easy “A”, she shows the class the importance of coming together as one to create a unique yearbook. She takes pride in what she does and it reflects on how she teaches it. She takes great compassion for what she does, it shows me that as a teacher she is here to make a difference in students lives, to believe in them and empower them to shoot for their goals in life.

Mrs. Danay is the kind of teacher that does not pick favorites, she sees everyone as equal and for those struggling she makes time to be able to help them. She is the positivity that we need more of in the world.

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