Educator Of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator Of The Year

November 18, 2019
By sydneesagal31 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
sydneesagal31 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First hour at Arrowhead High School, on the first day of junior year, I tried to change my schedule so I wouldn’t have math, my least favorite subject, at the start of my day. 

“How am I supposed to have a good day when every morning is ruined by math?” I complained to my mom. 

She replied with, “Not everything goes how you would like it to, Sydnee.” 

I rolled my eyes and slung my backpack over my shoulder as I walked outside to my car.

I stepped into the classroom and didn’t see any of my friends—great. However, I was warmly greeted by my teacher who introduced herself as Mrs. Dodge. Her smile was genuine and her eagerness to teach was shining.

Once everyone was seated, Mrs. Dodge told us about herself. This woman loved running; she LOVED running! I started looking up to her as the level of healthiness I wanted to be at. She quickly became a role model for me in that aspect.

Math was my least favorite subject. Something never clicked and I struggled with concepts and equations. In my math classes, I never wanted to understand how to solve problems, but Mrs. Dodge lit a fire in me that turned me around. I wanted to get extra help,  and I wanted to reach my full potential.

I started asking more questions, staying after to ask questions, and even coming in before and after school. I looked up to how hard Mrs. Dodge worked; it was contagious. I wanted to do the best I possibly could.

As the school year went on, I started the soccer season. Mrs. Dodge knew the soccer season was important to me. She asked me every day how practices were going and what teams we were playing. She supported my team and me and announced to the class when I had games. I knew she cared about me.

Mrs. Dodge gave me an appreciation for school. She helped me care about how I am doing in my classes. She has been one of my biggest role models since junior year. I can tell she cares about me and I hope she knows I care about her too.

She deserves to be recognized and appreciated for how great of a teacher, and person she is. I know she hasn’t only had this big of an effect on me either; kids at Arrowhead High school love Mrs. Dodge, as nothing but good words and compliments come from their mouths. I hope she knows how much I, and the rest of Arrowhead, appreciate her!

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