Mrs. Nguyen | Teen Ink

Mrs. Nguyen

March 10, 2020
By sades26 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
sades26 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met.” - Melody Truong

The front doors swung open, and I traipsed the hallways at Richmond Elementary School once again, but this time with reluctance.  It was my first day of fifth grade, and it was overwhelming. Instead of having the same teacher for all my classes, I would have to switch teachers and classrooms for each subject.  I felt like I was adrift in a vast, rocky ocean.

I made my way to my first class of the day: science.  As I entered the room, my face radiated and my mind eased.  I saw a friendly woman with short blond hair at the front of the classroom.  She smiled and her eyes suggested her demeanor—calm, caring, and compassionate.

Her name was written on the whiteboard effortlessly in cursive.  It flowed like an artist’s fresh brush strokes on a canvas. Mrs. Nguyen. I attempted to sound it out and felt relieved as I looked around as everyone seemed just as puzzled.

“Hi everyone, my name is Mrs Nguyen,” she exclaimed.

The kid next to me questioned, “Like the word win?”

“Yes, exactly like that,” she answered.

Her voice was as soft as velvet yet could be carried for miles and miles like an echo within a cave.  Selfless, sensible, and supportive. These describe Mrs. Nguyen.  

I still remember one day after class when she pulled me aside; she sensed I struggled. “Are you okay?” These three simple words meant the world to me.  Pure empathy radiated from every part of her being like a sudden burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. 

The concern and kindness she possessed for her students was as obvious as the stars on a clear night.  I developed a sense of trust as big as life for her. The after class talks turned into weekly conversations over hot drinks she made for the us at recess.  There was nothing I looked forward to more than sitting in her quaint classroom ranting about everything—including the constant fifth grade drama that never failed to cease.  

Mrs. Nguyen was my fifth grade science teacher but also so much more.  She was a role model, friend, and my go to person. Instead of feeling like I was lost out at sea, she made my start to middle school like smooth sailing across tranquil waters, and for that I am beyond thankful.

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