Mrs. Brown | Teen Ink

Mrs. Brown

February 15, 2024
By 5platten SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5platten SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not the clothes on the man it the man in the clothes" - Roscoe

She joyfully asked, “Oh, you are Will’s brother?” 

I try to form a smile “Yes I am.” 

“Oh cool, I'm so happy to have you in my class!” 

My smile isn’t forced anymore. 

Every teacher who has had my brother in their class has expected me to excel in their class because my brother always performed well. Mrs. Brown saw me as a different person. Because of Mrs. Brown's friendliness and compassion, I saw her as a friend. Throughout the year, I trusted her with everything. I was confident that she would be the teacher I would find comfort in if I had difficulty with academics or something personal. 

When I first met Mrs. Brown, I was a junior attending her psychology class at Arrowhead Union High School. After getting to know her through an introduction presentation, I realized the potential of how great of a teacher she is. She is inspiring, reliable, and a passionate teacher as well as a loving, genuine, and trustworthy mom. 

During my first weeks, I was fascinated by her teaching style.  Instead of just talking us through a bunch of slides while the class took notes, she actively tried to get her students to engage in activities in and out of class, however, what made her stand out from the rest was how she made them fun and super easy to understand. Even after decades of working the same routine over and over, Mrs. Brown still finds joy in her work and her students, which I have always respected her for. Her care for her students is portrayed in everything she does. Her talent and knowledge of psychology is inspiring and has inspired me to better myself when navigating through the course.  And although my performance in her class is not the greatest, she shows in subtle ways that she is proud of me which encourages me to do better.

Mrs. Brown is a strong teacher, mother, and role model. She has taught me and others many life lessons and drives us to be a better person every day. I will forever have a special place in my heart for Mrs. Brown, there is no other like her. Thank you for all the memories we have made together and your undying support for every student.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because Mrs. Brown is like a second mom to me. I wanted to show how much Mrs. Brown has affected me and how much I appreciate her. She had been working the same job for decades before I was born and she still enjoys it. 

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