Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

April 30, 2012
By ben adams BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
ben adams BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a class that you have always hated, then one year you get a really good teacher in that subject, and now you love the subject you’ve always hated? Well I have an answer to that question and it is, for me, yes I have. For me that teacher is a seventh grade social studies teacher at Skyline Middle school. Mr. Wood is my nominee for the 2012 educator of the year. He has changed the way I do things now in school, and the reasons?

First off why I picked Mr. Wood, his characteristics. Now these characteristics are he is funny, serious at the times we need him to be, and he made teaching fun. All of my social studies teachers don’t really get into teaching from grades 1-6. Then in seventh grade I had Mr. Wood who really got into the lessons and made them fun. These characteristics that he owned really made the class more fun and most definitely made me pay attention. Then again how can you not? He treated everyone fairly and respected everyone’s religion. As in when he talked about religion he respectfully did it and was good at it. So these made the teacher and a good one at that.

I have always hated social studies because it was boring and not interesting at all to me. So for seventh grade I had Mr. Wood and that whole year I loved social studies, it was my favorite class and I never would have thought it would be. This one lesson was on Japan history and we did this activity where each table had a part of Japan and we had to conquer the other tables. Well Mr. Wood was in charge of it and so in the beginning of the activity, that lasted a month or so, he stood up on the table and said “From now until winter break you will refer to me as Emperor Wood”. That one moment I will never forget and that’s why I love social studies now and then. He always got into the lessons and I really learned about history in his class and ever since then I love history and social studies.

Now when I left his class and moved on to eighth grade he still was my favorite teacher. Mr. Wood started this club called Best Men’s club when I was in eighth grade. I joined right away because I knew I he would get help from him. Now in this club he would help out students who needed it and he did. He taught students how to be gentlemen and how to behave. This club made them a better person around the school. He took us on field trips as a reward and they were amazing. At the end of my eighth grade year when I had to leave I made sure I would have him sign my year book. I would go back to seventh grade any day just to retake his class. Now that you don’t hear a lot from students, so that just tells you how good and fun his class was.

As this essay comes to its conclusion I just want to recap here. Basically, Mr. Wood is the reason why I now love social studies and I thank him for that. He made that class fun everyday and you can tell he really loved teaching. He never yelled at the students, he was always was claim with them and was always in a positive mood. Mr. Wood respected everyone and like I said treated everyone fair, that’s what made him the teacher that every school needs. And so thank you Mr. Wood, thank you for being the best homeroom teacher I ever had and being the best teacher I ever had.

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