Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By koltn BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
koltn BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Have you ever been  in so much trouble? The kind of trouble where you know you won't be able to get out of it? Well, I have been in that place, but there's one person named Dave Bechtel who has helped me  out of getting suspended or expelled.

Dave Bechtel has been helping me since 6th grade and Stone Bank Elementary and now at Arrowhead  High School.

In 8th grade something terrible had happened to my family  It was October 21, 2012, and I was out hunting with my grandpa when we got a call saying that there was a shooting at Azana in Brookfield where my mom worked. I have never been so worried in my life, but I remember Mr. Bechtel being there for me. He even texted me telling letting me know that if I ever needed him, he will be there.

 Mr. Bechtel is like a fresh leech that just won't give up on letting go of your body.

Heis a more than a teacher to me, I consider him as family.   He has offered so much to me and has helped me get on the right track. His support has meant everything to me!


My first year of high school was great. I was played football, had people around me who cared about me, and teachers that would push me. This especially included Mr. Bechtel.  . Anytime I walked into his room he would always ask if I have any homework. I would say no, but he knew better so he would go through my grades and missing assignments each day to keep my grades up.


I had a hard time  paying attention or listening to  teachers in middle school and the beginning of high school. I  failed classes each year, but when I would run into Mr.Bechtel, he would always come up to me and hassle me for not doing homework or getting in trouble.  I would like to nominate Mr. Bechtel for Teacher of the Year as a way of saying thank you for everything he has done for me.

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