Educator Essay | Teen Ink

Educator Essay

October 6, 2015
By Ryan18 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Ryan18 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember the first day of high school like it was yesterday!  I was nervous about all of the new changes that were going on around me.  First, Arrowhead is ten times bigger than my elementary school. Secondly, I was anxious about making new friends. School is not my favorite thing to do and there are not many subjects that I enjoy, especially English. English was a challenging subject for me back at Merton Elementary School, but at Arrowhead High School, that all started to change.

The first day as I walked into my English 9 class, I met a teacher who changed my whole perspective on English. Her name is Mrs. Carnell and she was fantastic, cool, and respectful to me during my first two years at South Campus. Mrs. Carnell, taught English 9 and 10, and made me feel  excited to be in English class. I remember when she first saw me as I walked into her classroom. She knew me because of my sister Lauren, who also had Mrs. Carnell when she attended Arrowhead. Mrs. Carnell said, “Your sister was very nice to me and now it’s time to have her brother in my class.” She was a special teacher, who took time to get to know me. She cared about how I was doing in her class.

Mrs. Carnell is a compassionate, kind teacher who has an awesome sense of humor. Even though my English class was all boys, she was use to it as she has 3 sons of her own. She had a way to always make me feel special and I will always appreciate that.

I could talk to her about anything! I normally talked to her about my sister (mainly because I told her when she came back from college) or we talked about my family life and she helped me get through a difficult time. Mrs. Carnell liked to talk about something before she started teaching each class. Mrs. Carnell has always been there for me and has taught me to enjoy English. I respect her as much as she respects me and this is why I would like to nominate Mrs. Carnell as my Educator of the Year.

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