Mrs. Averell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Averell

March 23, 2016
By quinnannable BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
quinnannable BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Educator Of the Year

     Have you ever had a teacher that gives more time to her students than herself? Well, I have and her name is Mrs. Averell; she is the freshman science teacher and Science Olympiad coach at the Delaware Military Academy. She is obsessed with improvement and encourages her students to do the same. Mrs. Averell encourages us to apply skills that she taught such as, hard work, respect, and citizenship, to our everyday lives.
     Everyday Mrs. Averell comes into the classroom, she is motivated to teach, which enhances our learning. She thoroughly teaches her lessons and ensures that every student has understood them before moving on. In Science Olympiad, Mrs. Averell reminds us everyday that we cannot beat our competition if we are not working our hardest every day and constantly improving. Mrs. Averell is dedicated to seeing our team do well, and she spends an extremely generous amount of her personal time and money on Science Olympiad, which led us to win 5th place in the state.
       Mrs. Averell’s class was not easy by any means, but each and every student gave it their all on every assignment she gave us. Whenever possible, Mrs. Averell incorporates fun into learning. For review before tests, the class would compete against each other in a game of jeopardy. She made learning fun for several students who just needed a bit of inspiration to spark their interest. She is exceptionally kind and caring and inspires her students do their best.   
        After the competition, she congratulated us and bought cake to celebrate. Following the celebration, she immediately told us to start working on fixing our notes to improve for next year. This is a perfect example of Mrs Averell’s character. While she enjoys celebrating, she also believes it takes a great amount of hard work to deserve it.
     Mrs. Averell is a true role model besides being an excellent teacher. She strives for greatness in everything she does, no matter how big or small. She cares for her students as if they are her children and inspires every one of them. Mrs. Averell takes great interest in being personally involved with all of her students, to help them stay on the correct path as they grow and mature through high school. She encourages cadets to do their best, and make education their priority. Mrs. Averell, for all of her hard work she provides to make her students most successful, deserves this award. She’s my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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