My Hero Gibbs | Teen Ink

My Hero Gibbs

December 19, 2013
By kimbellbui BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
kimbellbui BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs is the protagonist of the television series NCIS. He solves crimes while never abusing his powers. He chooses morals before law and refuses to condemn a criminal unless he is sure of their offense. I would bring Gibbs to central park and tell him everything that I learned by watching him on TV and how these lessons changed me.

I would take Agent Gibbs to Central Park because he loves the natural atmosphere. The park includes an open meadow surrounded by towering green trees. The central park trail leads under a bridge that cars are constantly crossing. Not many people know about the location under the bridge, but beneath the bridge is the perfect place to talk, reflect, and relax. Sitting in serenity with the sound of turbulent engines rushing overhead creates a sensation of sweet separation. Any worries or stresses are trapped in the speeding world above, finally allowing you a chance to breathe. This spot holds a special meaning to me because this is where I always return when life wears me out. The site refreshes my mind and allows me the time I need to recollect myself. I only need a moment in my sanctuary and my energy is completely revitalized. Gibbs is the kind of character that can keep pace with the furious rush of life, yet loves to enjoy the simple aspects along the way, and I know he would respect and appreciate this place just as much as I.

A common reference in many NCIS episodes are the “Gibbs Rules.” While some of the rules may be silly, such as “Never date a coworker” or “Never, ever involve a lawyer,” others have significant meaning that can be applied universally, such as rule forty-five and fifty-one. Rule forty-five states, “clean up your own mess.” The purpose of this rule is to teach responsibility and integrity. If you make a mistake, it is your own job to resolve the problem. Rule fifty-one states, “Sometimes- You’re wrong.” Gibbs struggled to learn that specific rule because of his pride. The fact that Gibbs is a proud person but still able to admit when he committed a mistake is one of the reasons why he is such a good role model. Living by a set list of moral standards and rules is admirable, and I would thoroughly enjoy the chance to discuss and listen to the story behind each rule.

Watching Gibbs on TV significantly changed my outlook on life as well as the way I treat others. Gibbs experienced a lot in his life, and managed to make the best of everything, whether good or bad. For example, he has lost teammates such as Agent Caitlin Todd, but he worked to put her murderer to justice and instead of regretting her death, he became grateful for the times they shared. He treats his agents like family, providing comfort when needed, yet still maintains a professional relationship with his team. Watching how closely Gibbs interacts with his coworkers taught me to value friendship, and I strive to imitate the principles taught by each of his rules.

If the opportunity arises, I’d accompany Agent Gibbs to Central Park and confer our individual and shared values and life-lessons, as well as reveal to him the impact he’s had on my life. I know sure he would enjoy hearing about the changes he forged on my character. The conversations would be worthwhile and I know that we would both walk away happy that we shared a moment to learn more about each other and ourselves.

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EqualiZ1Z said...
on Nov. 18 2017 at 12:26 am
Awesome, positive support!