Storm and Odysseus Being Compared | Teen Ink

Storm and Odysseus Being Compared

May 19, 2014
By Alexandra Lynch BRONZE, North Richland Hils, Texas
Alexandra Lynch BRONZE, North Richland Hils, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fighting, helping, threatening, and punching are all examples of something a hero could do while they are fighting. Storm (her real name is Ororo) and Odysseus have their differences, but they are both heroes who fight for justice.

Heroes can come in different sizes, shapes, and forms. However; heroes know that they have to sometimes risk their lives to help people. That is a risk they are willing to take. Heroes don’t have to have powers to be super, even if they are modern or not.

Storm and Odysseus have some similarities. They both serve a team or king. Eventually they both become king or queen. On their first known mission they both went to save someone, Ororo the old X-men, while Odysseus went to save Helen of Troy.

These characters also have some differences that make them unique. Odysseus’ weakness is his pride, and he has no powers. Storm on the other hand, her weakness is her claustrophobia. Which means she is afraid of tight spaces. When she was a young girl, a building collapsed around her, on the bright side that is when her powers manifested. Storm’s super powers are controlling the weather and the ability to fly. Back in her hometown of Africa, she was worshipped as a goddess, while Odysseus was not.

These characters are from different times, but that does not change the fact that they are heroes. After all, storm and Odysseus have their differences, but they both fight for what’s right. “Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are granted with.” Quoted by Broli Ashton. More true words have never been spoken.

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