Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

March 9, 2018
By Jones7 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jones7 PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,


I cannot begin to express my gratitude and appreciation of the work, service and commitment that you and the other soldiers gave in fighting for our country. You sacrificed in order to protect America and what we stand for. And that’s what I want to thank you for.

My name is Logan J., and I am 17 years old. I have seen a couple of Honor Flight movies in the past, and I enjoyed hearing the soldiers’ stories about their experiences, missing their families and the difficulties coming back home. I admire the difficult battles they fought both on and off the front line. However difficult, they kept going, even on the brink of death; they kept fighting on. No matter how difficult the war or fight, no matter how battered or bruised or beaten they were, and no matter the tormenting battlefield state, they kept attacking the enemy. I believe the same happened to you, so I want to thank you for your service, thank you for fighting on, and I want to thank you for never giving up.

Even though I have been to Washington DC only once, the monuments and museums I saw were remarkably beautiful and interesting. Some of the monuments revolved around soldiers in battle, including the Vietnam Wall. It is amazing to think how much soldiers accomplished and did in this tough war. I can only imagine the emotions you felt as you witnessed each monument.

I have a personal connection to veterans, as I have an uncle from North Carolina who fought in the Iraq War, which is a long time ahead from the war you and 2,709,918 others have fought in. However, I know from my uncle the amount of work that he and you put in that helped our country greatly. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, salute you for making our country more safe due to how hard you have worked and put in the exact same effort as my uncle. I hope when you return from Washington DC, you will get the treatment you deserve but never received.

I wish this welcoming will be most deserved to all of you. For that, I say welcome home, and thank you.

Logan J.

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