A Penny For Your Thoughts: What Should Change About The World? | Teen Ink

A Penny For Your Thoughts: What Should Change About The World?

June 14, 2022
By KGanesh BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
KGanesh BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I would like to moderate the hatredness towards others. Many of us don’t have compassion or the sensitivity of what we are doing to others. I would like to tame that thought process. It may not be easy, but I would like to. That’s why I use the word “tame” right? Tame means bring it under control. I feel it's too much nowadays. Maybe the other thing is I want to see humanity having access to clean water, air and shelter. No contaminated water, no contaminated air, very comfortable living. I can kind of see the impact of contaminated water, and contaminated atmosphere, and not having access to very good living conditions. Shortage of water is also a big problem. In some cities, like very big cities with close to 10 million population, the water shortage is acute during summer. Then there are villages, it’s very hard for them to get enough water. That is not fair! Each and every one of us has the right to have them. It should be the basic right of any human being. I mean it is really challenging but if we can achieve that somehow, the collective knowledge will grow multifold. Every brain has its ability to create something for humanity and for the Earth, right? It’s our duty to give enough nutrition and the supporting environment. That’s my expected outcome.” (Parsippany, New Jersey)

Interviewed by:  Kavya G

The author's comments:


I made the interview for school, but I also think it covers an important topic. 


This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 24 2022 at 9:35 am
liltatz20 BRONZE, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

very good. great insight :)