My Experience In Bangladesh | Teen Ink

My Experience In Bangladesh

March 20, 2013
By johany BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
johany BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

His name is Greg Mangles, born in Abington Hospital, and his parents were born in America also, father in North Dakota, and mother in Abington P.A just like Greg. From this day on he was his parents blessing. As he got older and grew up, life struggles came along.

Once Greg graduated from college it all began. He joined the “peace corps” a national volunteer organization that sends Americans all over the world to help under privileged communities. He was sent to Bangladesh, which is a small country east of India. His responsibility was to teach the English language to Bangladesh. The entire culture was foreign, like the language, food and customs. Fortunately for the first 10 weeks Greg had 40 other American volunteers to share his experiences with. However after 10 weeks they were sent out to their individual towns. Greg was in a town of thousands of Bangladeshi people, some who knew English and many who did not. He was all alone. He was very hesitant to go explore what the town had to offer. Only because he was new to the town and didn’t know where to begin. He still regrets not venturing the town.

What a period of loneliness Greg had to adjust to. He eventually started to ask questions to the people he befriended and he discovered the negative the town had. The gym was up to Americans standards, but it was a gym nonetheless. People played soccer at the local high school field. There were so many things he was scared to discover at his town for example the culture, people and environment. Greg wanted to do his job then go and stay in his room and read or watch movies. Greg was frightened to be in an unknown place without friends or family, especially when communication was very difficult. Even though he went through these things he doesn’t regret being at the town because it was a life experience.


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