First Time Skiing | Teen Ink

First Time Skiing

October 16, 2018
By Anonymous

Skiing is not the easiest thing to learn especially for your first time. I was thinking oh skiing won’t be hard to learn... I am very wrong.

My dad took my friend and me to a ski resort named Cascade, it was chilly giving me a chill down my spine. The snow was as white as white can get. It looked as if the snow was just eating the resort. In front of me were three big chair lifts that went to different points of the hill. We were gonna be skiing with the chairlifts running while is freezing. Knowing my dad, right when we got there he wanted to do the hardest, steepest hills. My friend and I denied that and went to the bunny hill just to get a feel of skiing. We were doing pretty well on the bunny hill, so we decided to go to the steepest hill with my dad. I thought that I was such a good skier because I conquered the bunny hill. Yeah, that’s not much considering that it is the easiest hill, well it’s not even a hill really. The steepest hill at the resort, it was like looking down from an airplane because it was so high up. It was like skiing in the ski.

“Ok, all you have to do is make simple turns like this,” said my dad and showed us how easy it was to go down this hill. The noise of his skies was making a loud skkkk as if he was on ice skates.

As I watched my dad go down this insanely steep hill like it was nothing, I realized that this wasn’t just a normal hill, this was a hill with moguls. If you don’t know what moguls are, just imagine a super steep hill with a bunch of big bumps surrounding the whole hill. Now I was thinking this will be a little tougher than I thought.

My dad made it all the way down the hill. It’s time for my friend and me to go down. We started to argue who goes first but then decided to go at the same time. We started to go down. I felt like I was falling over wobbling going down as slow as possible.

My dad yelled, “Charlie go down like a man you're like a little girl!”

This gave me the confidence to go straight down with my skies pointing towards the bottom of the hill I started to gain speed quickly. I remembered my dad told me to do a long turn so I started to do that. I kept on turning but I couldn’t stop turning then it was too late. Baam, a tree was in between my legs and smack in my face. You know the feeling when you put your cold hand in warm water when it stings your fingers; that’s exactly what my face felt like when I slapped it into the tree. Good thing I had goggles on otherwise I would’ve hit my nose, which would’ve really hurt.

I heard my dad laughing with my friends at the bottom of the hill. When I finally got all the way down the hill my dad said, “How did you run into a tree,” he said chuckling. I just ignored him and went back to the easy, no more steep hills.  

I had a fun time skiing with my father and my friend. Even though I crashed into a tree, I still had a fun time and got a good laugh out of this time.

The author's comments:

I selected this story because I thought it was a pretty funny experience for me and wanted to share. Also, this is one of my most vivid memories so it is easier to write about.

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