The Way That Things Are | Teen Ink

The Way That Things Are

January 10, 2019
By Spherical BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
Spherical BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself

Family isn't always what it is made out to be. Yes, most of the time it's silky smooth milk chocolate, but sometimes you hit those almonds in the mix. Those times when you just can't stand any family member and you just hate life. This has been happening all to often to me. After you hear that, you start making assumptions. I know, I know, but I'm not abused or malnourished or anything. In fact, I have a comfortable life. But wealth doesn't always bring a good life. At home, my family just doesn't... click, so to say. Some nights I sit in my closet, squishing and squeezing myself between the mess of clothes, and just... think. I think about the day, what i could have done better, all of the things i have done that are bad, and I just cry. It's not a real, physical cry, but a mental one. To console myself, i play saxophone. It provides an inescapable high that also gives a hug in the process. It makes me feel better like nothing else, it gets my mind off the things in my life. It's the calm after the storm so to say. You might not find it at first, but if you keep on looking you can find your own teddy bear figure. Don't take it for granted, because believe me, it can come in handy sometimes

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