The Hell of Bishop Brady | Teen Ink

The Hell of Bishop Brady

March 11, 2019
By FarmTownFootball BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
FarmTownFootball BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
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Bishop Brady was hell itself. In our 2017 season, Bishop Brady whooped our ass 52 to 2 and I knew personally that our team wasn't going to have that happen this year. The sight of the field made you want to turn back, walk back in the locker room, take off all of you're gear, call for a ride home, and go to sleep and not remember anything when you awoke. When we got to the field it was all misty and was as wet as a waterpark.Doing our stretches and warmups we all could tell yep this is gonna go down in the history books and it did `but not for that reason. When it was time to kickoff I was thinking, ‘’ya this is going to be hell’’. But deep down everyone was wanting to get the dub and get this game behind us for better or worse.

When we received the ball the offense came out onto the field and ran the ball all the way into the endzone giving Paul Roy his 4th or 5th touchdown of the season. Nobody wanted to hit him because he was a freight train and as freight trains did he ran through people. Thank God I did not play defense that often because when you fell onto the ground the taste of muddy water and cut up grass fell into you're mouth and you wanted to vomit. When our offense got done scoring we tried to kick an extra point but we didn't end up getting it making it 6 to 0. The defense came out after the kickoff and did their thing getting the ball back to the offense which did nothing with the ball, but at least we go the satisfaction of getting an interception and not letting them score keeping it 6 to 0 to end the 1st quarter.

During the 2nd quarter of the game, everything went fine until Bishop Brady got their heads out of there ass and actually did something on offense. They did a little bit of mixture but they predominantly ran the ball majority of the time and scored making it 6 to 6. After they scored that's when it hit me, ‘’ ya this game is going to be a dog fight like in Mike Vick's house’’. All I could remember is the look on our head coach Seth Wentworth’s face and he was pissed. And when we got the ball back on offense all we did is just want to run the ball and get out of the half 6 to 6.

And then the 2nd half began with a BANG! The pass happened Bishop Brady threw the ball up and our Cornerback came down with the ball after stripping the ball from the receiver who was inches away from scoring. After the amazing play from our Cornerback, the offense came out onto the ran and the ball down the field and scored again making it 12 to 6. And Bishop Brady came out and did nothing with the ball ending the 3rd quarter.  And that's why we ended up winning the game.

The 4th quarter was nail-biting in the least of words. The end of the quarter came down to a defensive stop from our defense to win the game. When the offense came out onto the field we were on the  line and we had to run the ball to the 30-yard line to drain the clock. Once we drained the clock everyone on the sideline was screaming VICTORY FORMATION! And that is how we gave Farmington/Nute football it's the first ever streak in history. And giving me the lesson that you have to work together and work hard to get a dub.

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