How to Fall in Love With Your Ex's Best Friend | Teen Ink

How to Fall in Love With Your Ex's Best Friend

October 12, 2021
By Anonymous

How to Fall in Love With Your Ex’s Best Friend 

Step 1: Find a Sucky Boyfriend.

This step is probably the easiest one there is. I did it with ease. You don’t have to put too much effort into it. Just find any boy who’s interested in you and 80% of the time you’ll find yourself a sucky boyfriend. Maybe you could do a survey and ask boys to fill it out. Here are some questions you could put into it to see if they qualify for the sucky boyfriend expectation:

Will you hang out with me more than once every two weeks?
Do you own a “Saturdays Are For the Boys” flag?
Will you cheat on me and if so, how many times?
Will you spend time with me willingly? 
Will you care about my well-being?
These are just a few examples of some questions but they can of course be customized to meet your personal preference. 

Step 2: Meet His Friends.

You have to meet and create bonds with your sucky boyfriend’s friends. This will take time, don’t rush it. You can have lots of fun doing this step. In my case, my sucky boyfriend’s friends were super fun and I loved them. We hung out all the time and always had a blast. Not only were they his friends but they became my friends too. Here is a memory I made with my sucky boyfriend’s friends that I will never forget:

My sucky boyfriend and I had hung out with all our friends one night for our friend’s birthday. However, my boyfriend had to leave early. So I was there with all his friends but without him and it was one of the first nights I had gotten close with his friends. Our friend lived close to a golf course so we all made the decision to sneak onto the golf course to steal a flag. Ignore the fact that this might be illegal, we were just some teenagers trying to have fun. We all were riding scooters, skateboards, and scooters together going to the golf course since it was close enough that we didn’t need a car. Riding down the bumpy trail, we were all having a good time laughing and just having fun. We snuck in and got the flag as planned. With the biggest smiles on our faces, we rode back with the flag blowing in the wind. 

This was just one of many memories I made with my sucky boyfriend’s friends. It was never a dull moment with them and I made memories I will never forget. Here I met some of my closest friends. 

Step 3: The Tragic Breakup.

You knew it was going to come eventually, well here it is. The sucky boyfriend has been sucky one too many times and now it’s all going down in flames. This is the turning point. It only gets better from here I promise. Depending on how hard you fell for your sucky boyfriend, this step could be very painful. For me, it was one of the hardest things I've been through in my life. Heartbreak, it’s like an illness that takes over your whole body. Here’s some of the symptoms that can go along with it:

Sadness. Lots of sadness
The feeling of a hole in your stomach
Inability to eat
Dizziness; feeling faint
 Sudden weight loss
Binge eating

Loss of motivation  
These are only some of the many things that can come along with heartbreak. Of course, everyone experiences it differently and that’s okay. Just like any other illness, some cases are more mild while others are more severe. My personal experience went something like this:

After the breakup was finalized I got home and immediately went to my room. I turned off all the lights and sat in my dark closet so no one could find me. This was my safe spot. I sat there, thoughts consuming my head. I didn’t see it coming at all. It had felt like a piece of me just died, vanishing into thin air where I could never get it back. The feeling of sadness consumed my whole body. It was the most dreadful, horrible feeling you could ever imagine. I layed there on the floor wondering what I did to deserve that type of pain. I couldn't realize it then, but that heartbreak, that feeling that almost destroyed me, was the very thing that saved me. The following days were just as hard. I couldn’t eat or sleep at all. Every night the pain of the memories kept me wide awake. The nights I did manage to fall asleep were in small increments of an hour, sometimes two. I would average about 3 hours of sleep per night on a good day. I couldn’t eat for a good 5 days. No matter how bad my body wanted food, I simply could not consume it. Just the thought of food made me sick. It took me about 5 days until I started fainting every time I stood up. That’s when I realized I could not keep doing this to myself. I had lost 15 pounds within the span of less than a week. I had to force myself to eat something or else it would only be downhill from here. Half a slice of pizza. That was all I could do, but that was the little boost I needed to climb out of this pit I dug myself in. From there on out I started taking care of myself again slowly but surely. I couldn’t just force the sadness away but I could remedy it by being around my friends and doing things that occupied my mind. 

At this point of the process you have to stay strong even though it’s hard. Remember your end goal. Your sucky boyfriend has now become your sucky ex. This is where things get interesting. 

Step 4: Have Some Fun And Everything Will Follow 

Now you are probably still sad and rightfully so. Moving on and letting someone go is hard but I found the best way to do this is to just have fun. Hang out with your friends, go out every night, build new friendships, try new things, and most importantly, have fun. This can lead to things you had never imagined before, to so many new possibilities. Now is the time where you really close in on your sucky ex’s friends. Now is your time to shine. Maybe you can steal some inspiration from my story:

It was a Saturday night in March. I was out with all my friends, my sucky ex’s friends to be exact. They were all making prom posters to ask their planned dates to prom that night. I was dateless, kind of. My friends had told me they had found me a date and that I was also going to be asked that night. The only twist was that it was a mystery date. I had no idea who it was and they intended to keep it that way until I got asked. So I spent the night helping my friends make posters and driving around to drop them off at girl’s houses, when finally we drove to the last house of the night. My ex’s best friend was getting his poster and things ready to drop off on his date’s doorstep. I went to help him so we both got out of the car and I started walking to the doorstep when I realized he stopped. “It’s for you,” he said. I was greatly confused until it clicked. Was I being asked to prom right now? I was indeed and somehow in my shocked state of mind I managed to fumble a “yes,” out of my mouth. My friends tricked me, but for a good cause. I had no idea he was going to ask me. Everyone said he was asking another girl. I guess I was wrong, but I wasn’t mad about it at all. This was where it all began. A night spent just having fun with my friends had led me down a path I didn’t expect at all. Prom with my ex’s best friend. 

This step is only hard if you make it hard. My biggest advice to you is to let everything fall into place. The things that are supposed to happen will happen and the love interests will come your way.  All you have to do is have fun and trust the process. 

Step 5: Fall In Love 

Here it is. The moment you’ve been waiting for. This is where you fall in love with your ex’s best friend. If you’ve been following my steps you should have this in the bag. Go get 'em, tiger. But, before you catch those feelings, let me give you some advice. Truth be told, even though this process seems like a piece of cake, it’s not. Falling in love with someone is a bumpy road that can end in happiness or disaster, or sometimes both. You have to be strong because it’s not easy. I fell in love with a boy and it really wrecked my life for a little while. I let a sucky boy do that to me. Then I met someone new, who showed me the truth. He fixed a heart he didn’t break, and then took care of it with all the love he had to offer. Even the worst things to happen to you can turn into some of the best things to happen to you, you just might not know it yet. Always be on the lookout because your terrible thing that happened to you, could just be a blessing in disguise. In my case, my blessing in my disguise was my ex’s best friend, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

The author's comments:

This is a true story.

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